Robomikel / Steam-Server-Manager

PowerShell Steam Server Manager
MIT License
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Steam Server Manager

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Details Command

PowerShell Steam Server Manager

Install Any location: Download, Extract, and Open PowerShell and Change Directory to ssm.ps1 to run script. Wiki

Windows 10 may require to unblock downloaded files. In the Steam-Server-Manager folder. Use gci -r | Unblock-File command

Add SSM to Path to use ssm command in any directory without ./ Wiki

Install SSM

PS Commands:

[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12;
Invoke-WebRequest "" -O
Expand-Archive "" "Steam-Server-Manager"
Copy-Item Steam-Server-Manager\Steam-Server-Manager-master\* Steam-Server-Manager\ -Recurse -Force
Remove-Item Steam-Server-Manager\Steam-Server-Manager-master -Recurse -Force
Set-Location Steam-Server-Manager

Console Menu

Displays in console menu. Interactive Console Menu for SSM.
./ssm.ps1 menu

Menu Command

Install Server

open PowerShell as user NOT Admin
ssm accepts 1 or 2 parameters. first param specifies ssm command and the second is server folder name. if server folder name does not exist it creates it. .\ssm.ps1 install insserver

Configure during install :
During server install will download and copy default-config\*_default.ps1 to config-local\*_default.ps1. Will Prompt for input to change default variables like ports and servername. Wiki

change "$advanced = on" in config-local\local_settings before run to disable prompt for input to change default variables. Pauses to allow manual edit of \Steam-Server-Manager\config-local\*_default.ps1 change any vars like port/s or server name.

Recommned using Optional name, It will automatically grab APP ID

Install miscreated server ./ssm install misserver

./ssm <command> <serverFolder>



Steam Workshop install


Graphical Stats

stats Command

Discord Alert

monitor Command


monitor Command



When creating a Schedule task to run Monitor script in background.