PowerShell Steam Server Manager
Install Any location: Download, Extract, and Open PowerShell and Change Directory to ssm.ps1 to run script. Wiki
Windows 10 may require to unblock downloaded files. In the Steam-Server-Manager folder. Use
gci -r | Unblock-File
commandAdd SSM to Path to use
command in any directory without./
PS Commands:
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12;
Invoke-WebRequest "https://github.com/Robomikel/Steam-Server-Manager/archive/master.zip" -O Steam-Server-Manager.zip
Expand-Archive "Steam-Server-Manager.zip" "Steam-Server-Manager"
Copy-Item Steam-Server-Manager\Steam-Server-Manager-master\* Steam-Server-Manager\ -Recurse -Force
Remove-Item Steam-Server-Manager\Steam-Server-Manager-master -Recurse -Force
Set-Location Steam-Server-Manager
Displays in console menu. Interactive Console Menu for SSM.
./ssm.ps1 menu
open PowerShell as user NOT Admin
ssm accepts 1 or 2 parameters. first param specifies ssm command and the second is server folder name. if server folder name does not exist it creates it. .\ssm.ps1 install insserver
Configure during install :
During server install will download and copy default-config\*_default.ps1
to config-local\*_default.ps1
. Will Prompt for input to change default variables like ports and servername. Wiki
change "$advanced = on" in config-local\local_settings before run to disable prompt for input to change default variables. Pauses to allow manual edit of
change any vars like port/s or server name.
Recommned using Optional name, It will automatically grab APP ID
Install miscreated server ./ssm install misserver
./ssm <command> <serverFolder>
and starts installCreates custom default config for server - if available
Manage Steam server with features
./ssm menu
- Use Interactive SSM console Menu Wiki ./ssm install <serverFolder>
- install server ./ssm start <serverFolder>
- Starts server process ./ssm stop <serverFolder>
- stop process server ./ssm restart <serverFolder>
- stops and starts process for server ./ssm validate <serverFolder>
- Validate App ID files ./ssm monitor <serverFolder>
- checks process server and starts if need with Discord Alert. Optional GameDig query ./ssm update <serverFolder>
- updates App ID, with Discord alert. Stop server as needed, can be disabled in settings ./ssm force-update <serverFolder>
- updates App ID. Force server stop and update ./ssm backup <serverFolder>
- Creates zip folder of server files in backups folder, with Discord alert. purge backups over specfic count. (Downloads portable 7Zip) ./ssm restore <serverFolder>
- Lists zip folder backups of server files in backups folder and overwrites serverfiles with backup files. ./ssm install-monitor <serverFolder>
- Creates Scheduled Task to monitor server ./ssm install-restart <serverFolder>
- create scheduled task to restart server daily. ./ssm install-backup <serverFolder>
- create scheduled task to backup server daily. ./ssm install-mod <serverFolder>
- Install Sourcemod or Oxide for specified servers ./ssm update-mods <serverFolder>
- updates mods and plugins for server ./ssm install-ws <serverFolder>
- Workshop Install ./ssm discord <serverFolder>
- Discord Alert -command will send test alert. requires Discord webhook in \config-local\local_settings.ps1
./ssm mcrcon <serverFolder>
- Uses MCRcon. Rcon to server (Downloads MCRcon) ./ssm query <serverFolder>
- runs gamedig on server (Downloads NodeJS and installs Gamedig) ./ssm ssm update
- Downloads and overwrites ssm github files ./ssm details <serverFolder>
- outputs host and server details. ./ssm stats
- Graphical output of host CPU and Memory details../ssm install-ntop
- htop-like system-monitor with Vi-emulation for Windows. command ./ntop
or ntop
Wikissm start-pode
- will download Pode. start pode and Discord bot. Use ctl-C to stop Wiki\ServerFolder\variables-*.ps1
to change launch vars or edit Launch Params. Wiki \config-local\local_settings.ps1
change some of the default features. Discord Webhook Goes here. local_settings.ps1 will be created on first run. \functions\core_pastebin.ps1
(dev key and creds in local_settings.ps1 and enable) When creating a Schedule task to run Monitor script in background.
If using a user windows account. May need to add user to the "log on as batch job" to run the task in background under that account
Does not install Dependencies like Visual C++ Redistributable
Does not install Dependencies like Direct X
Direct X offline installer if above fails
Does not install Dependencies like Java
Does not Forward ports
Does not open ports on firewall
Game server configs from https://github.com/GameServerManagers "open source, open mind"