RobotExMachina / Machina.NET

A library for real-time robot control.
MIT License
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Machina is a .NET library for action-based real-time control of mechanical actuators.

Or in more human terms, it allows you to talk to a robot and tell it what to do.

Machina simplifies all the hassle of connecting to a mechanical controller, writing programs in platform-specific languages and managing the asynchronous communication between a machine and a connected application, by providing a human-relatable API of Actions, unified for all the different devices.

Machina was formerly known as BRobot.


Working with robots is dangerous. Robotic actuators are very powerful machines, but for the most part extremely unaware of their environment; if it collides with something, including yourself, it will not detect it and try to keep going, posing a threat to itself and the operators surrounding it. This is particularly relevant when running in 'automatic' mode, where several security measures are bypassed for the sake of performance.

When using robots in a real-time interactive environment, please make sure:

Machina is in a very early stage of development. You are using this software at your own risk, no warranties are provided herewith, and unexpected results/bugs may arise during its use. Always test and simulate your applications thoroughly before running them on a real device. The author/s shall not be liable for any injuries, damages or losses consequence of using this software in any way whatsoever.

Hello World

Assuming your computer is connected to a real or virtual robotic arm, here is a simple .NET program that traces a vertical 50 x 50 mm square:

// Load assembly
using Machina;

// Instantiate a new Robot object
Robot bot = Robot.Create("MyRobot", RobotType.UR);

// Do real-time streaming

// Connect to the controller and start running

// Display a message on the handheld pendant
bot.Message("Hello world!");

// Move it to positive XYZ octant, face front and trace the square
bot.MoveTo(300, 300, 300);
bot.Rotate(0, 1, 0, -90);
bot.Move(0, 0, 50);
bot.Move(0, 50, 0);
bot.Move(0, 0, -50);
bot.Move(0, -50, 0);

// ... let the robot complete these actions before shutting down

// kthxbye

Documentation and Reference

Machina is its infancy, and rapid changes are happening with every commit! Your most reliable and up-to-date source of documentation is probably the code itself, and the comments within.

A full set of tutorials and associated projects can be found here:



Instructions on how to setup your machine to work with the Machina framework can be found here:

The following documentation is very outdated, and lot of things have changed since then. To learn how to start using Machina, and examples of some of its features, please take a look at the Walkthrough page.

Documentation on Machina's API can be found on the Reference.

A technical description of the project's goals and architecture is described here:

García del Castillo y López, J.L., 2019. Machina.NET: A Library for Programming and Real-Time Control of Industrial Robots. Journal of Open Research Software, 7(1), p.27. DOI:

Related Projects

Machina comes with a bunch of sample projects that may help you understand its possibilities. Take a look at them, and please don't blame me if they broke during development... :sweat_smile:

A playlist of projects built by the community with different Machina flavors:

Here are some videos of things you can do with Machina:

There are other projects that use Machina at their core:

Current Limitations

As of v0.2.5 the latest version, Machina works for the following robotic arms in different degrees of robustness:

ABB:    [=========  ]  (pretty solid both online and offline)
UR:     [========   ]  (also quite solid both online and offline)
KUKA:   [=====      ]  (recently launched online mode thanks to @Arastookhajehee! undertested, BE CAREFUL)
                       (Known KUKA Bug: relative rotations result in unpredictable orientations! Avoid relative rotation!)

Other devices are currently under active development. Much of the development has focused on making the best of what Machina can do, rather than fixing what it can't yet. There are several known limitations:


Machina is an open-source project, with a lot of room for improvement and collaboration. Furthermore, its internal modular architecture is designed to allow developers to implement their own drivers and compilers in a very straightforward way. If you would like to use Machina to control some obscure Basic-based parallel robot, ping me and I will explain you how. A proper collaboration page should be up sometime soon...


The development of Machina was sponsored by Autodesk, Inc, as part of a summer research residency project in Boston, 2016. Please take a look at the detailed list of acknowledgments

Machina was created and is maintained by Jose Luis Garcia del Castillo.


MIT License