This repository is designed to demonstrate how the RAI framework interacts with the ROSbot XL, an autonomous mobile robot platform developed by Husarion. The Husarion ROSBot XL provides a versatile and powerful platform for autonomous navigation, and this project showcases how RAI can be utilized to control and interface with the robot's sensors, actuators, and other onboard systems to achieve autonomous operation controlled by LLM.
The demo can be successfully run on any robot equipped with the same set of sensors and controlled using ROS 2 messaging protocols. Additionally, the same behavior can be reproduced in the simulation developed using O3DE game engine.
The following packages are available in this repository:
ROS 2 package that allows RAI to use lights of the Husarion ROSBot XL robotrosbot_xl_whoami
ROS 2 package that allows RAI to learn about the Husarion ROSBot XL robot and its featuresRAIROSBotXLDemo
O3DE project for simulating Husarion ROSBot XL robotRAIROSBotXLDemo
is based on the RobotVacuumSample demo that was a part of the O3DE showcase at ROSCon conference in 2022. The O3DE demo is provided as a binary package for Ubuntu 24.04 with ROS 2 Jazzy and Ubuntu 22.04 with ROS 2 Humble, ensuring quick and easy setup. The binary package is the recommended method to run the demo. The source code and a Dockerfile are also available for those who prefer to build the project themselves or run it in a containerized environment. Please see the detailed demo description for more details.
The robot equipped with a microphone can listen to the commands and react accordingly. The demo is limited by the current Generative AI models linked via RAI framework and the robot's sensors. A simple proof-of-concept implementation shows, that RAI can interpret the commands from the operator and trigger actions on the robot. The robot can be either simulated or real thanks to ROS 2 middleware.
- Dockerfile for O3DE projectdocs
- files related to the documentationExamples
- ROS 2 sample launchfiles for O3DE projectpatches
- patches that are used to modify base O3DE project into RAIROSBotXLDemo
- folder used to pull the base O3DE project as a git submodule (please see O3DE project description for more details)src
- ROS 2 source folder containing ROS 2 packages that can be used with real and simulated robotsA sample setup with a Husarion ROSBot XL robot entering the room. Top left: color and depth images seen by the robot; Top right: map constructed by the robot based on lidar data; Bottom: photo of the robot entering the scene.
Simulation environment using O3DE.