RobotnikAutomation / daly_bms

ROS package for Daly Battery Monitor System (BMS)
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
9 stars 9 forks source link
bms containers ros ros2

Daly Battery Driver

ROS package that uses python-daly-bms driver data to read information from Daly BMS devices and publishes it using robotnik_msgs/BatteryStatus message type.


command -v vcs >/dev/null 2>&1 || (sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y python3-vcstool)
command -v pip3 >/dev/null 2>&1 || (sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y python3-pip)
mkdir -p robot_ws/src
cd robot_ws/src
git clone -b ros2-devel
vcs import \
    --input daly_bms/common.repos.yaml \
    --shallow \
pip3 install -r daly_bms/requirements.txt
cd ..
rosdep install
cd src/daly_bms
colcon build


source install/setup.bash
ros2 launch daly_bms daly_bms.launch.xml

Launch File Arguments

The launch file accepts the following arguments:

  1. port

    • Description: Specifies the serial port for the BMS connection.
    • Default value: Set by the environment variable ROBOT_BMS_PORT, or /dev/ttyUSB_BMS if not set.
    • Usage: ros2 launch daly_bms daly_bms.launch.xml port:=/dev/ttyUSB0
  2. node_name

    • Description: Sets the name of the ROS2 node.
    • Default value: Set by the environment variable NODE_NAME, or battery_estimator if not set.
    • Usage: ros2 launch daly_bms daly_bms.launch.xml node_name:=my_bms_node
  3. robot_id

    • Description: Defines the robot identifier, used as the namespace for the node.
    • Default value: Set by the environment variable ROBOT_ID, or robot if not set.
    • Usage: ros2 launch daly_bms daly_bms.launch.xml robot_id:=my_robot
  4. log_level

    • Description: Sets the logging level for the node.
    • Default value: Set by the environment variable LOG_LEVEL, or INFO if not set.
    • Usage: ros2 launch daly_bms daly_bms.launch.xml log_level:=DEBUG

Ros run parameters


Setup the containers

The container setup is controlled by the setup-container.yaml file. This file contains essential variables for creating the required Docker image files. Review and edit this file as needed before proceeding with the setup.

  version: devel
    local: docker-hub
    # local: robotnik

    distro: humble
    domain_id: 50
    robot_id: robot
    log_level: INFO
    port: /dev/ttyUSB_BMS

Key Configuration Parameters

Creating Container Files

To create the container files use the following command


This script will process the setup-container.yaml file and create all required Docker-related files in the appropriate directories.

Create Container

To build the container, navigate to the builder directory and use Docker Compose. This step compiles the necessary images based on the Dockerfile provided in the directory.

cd container/builder
docker compose build

Run in container

To run the Daly BMS application inside a Docker container, execute the following commands. This will start the container in detached mode, allowing the application to run in the background.

cd container/run
docker compose up -d

Debug in container

For debugging purposes, you can access the container's shell. This allows you to interact with the application directly, inspect logs, and troubleshoot issues. the source is mounted on your container and you can edit with your favourite ide.

cd container/debug
docker compose up -d
docker compose exec bms bash

Obtaining DEB Files

To generate Debian packages:

cd container/debs
docker compose up --build

Pass unitary tests

To run the unitary tests:

cd container/test
docker compose build

Additional information

This package includes an udev rule to find the USB device using its model and vendor identifiers. This is useful to bind the device to a specific port, independently of the actual physical port where the device is plugged. To add this udev rule to your system, just copy it into your /etc/udev/rules.d directory.