RobotnikAutomation / rbcar_sim

Robotnik Car Simulation Packages
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
37 stars 24 forks source link

Robot doesn't move in simulation in ROS kinetic. #10

Closed nikv96 closed 1 year ago

nikv96 commented 6 years ago

Seems like the URDF is incorrectly configured. Getting the following error 'Could not load controller 'left_front_shock_controller' because controller type 'effort_controllers/JointEffortController' does not exist.'


RomanRobotnik commented 6 years ago


Do you have installed the effort-controllers package?

$sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-effort-controllers


amattag commented 5 years ago


I have a similar problem. After downloading, compiling and running all the packages I finally got the rbcar up and running with all its sensors and controllers, but it does not move. Even the global and local planners seem to work fine (see attached figures), but I do not get any motion from the car.

rbcar-01 rbcar-02

Any help will be welcomed,

Kind regards,


David-rn commented 5 years ago


The RBCAR uses ackermann_msgs/AckermannDriveStamped message and move_base provides geometry_msgs/Twist. This is why you don't get any motion from the car. Here you have an explanation of planning for car-like robots with navigation stack.


amattag commented 4 years ago


I forgot to mention that this package:

does the conversion.