RobotsAndPencils / terraform-ecs-autoscaling

A terraform module for creating an AWS autoscaling group for ECS
MIT License
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AWS ECS Autoscaling Group Terraform module

A terraform module that creates an EC2 Launch Configuration and Autoscaling Group and configures EC2 instances for an ECS cluster with private Docker registry credentials.


Create an ECS cluster first and use the name as the cluster for the cluster_name variable value.

The default AMI is the Amazon ECS-Optimized Amazon Linux AMI for us-east-1.

Look in the file for configuration options. Here's a sample config with sensitive details changed to protect the innocent.

module "ecs-autoscaling" {
    source = ""
    cluster_name = "terraform_testing"
    key_name = "staging"
    instance_type = "t2.micro"
    region = "us-east-1"
    availability_zones = "us-east-1a,us-east-1c,us-east-1d"
    subnet_ids = "subnet-c5493a9e,subnet-eaf89dd2,subnet-52316827"
    min_size = "3"
    max_size = "10"
    desired_capacity ="4"
    iam_instance_profile = "AmazonECSContainerInstanceRole"
    registry_url = ""
    registry_email = "your_email@"
    registry_auth = "your_registry_auth_token"
    environment_name = "staging"


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