RobustFieldAutonomyLab / DiSCo-SLAM

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How to use your dataset for quantitative analysis? #3

Open huuxi opened 2 years ago

huuxi commented 2 years ago

Hi,first of all thank you for your excellent work. Now I want to use the dataset you provided to verify the accuracy of my algorithm,including kitti08 and park dataset. I've read the thesis, it says we need to transform the GPS to UTM coordinates. I've tried it, then I want to use evo to calculate ATE(or something else tools like evo can I use), which data storage format should I use,Which format was used in your tests,kitti or tum format ? And I want to know in kitti08-2 dataset, which topic should I use? (/gps/fix or /gps/vel ) Thank you!

fkp0918 commented 1 year ago

Hi, I have the same question and have you solved it? I want to know how to use the GPS data. Thanks.