RobustFieldAutonomyLab / DiSCo-SLAM

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DiSCo-SLAM is a novel framework for distributed, multi-robot SLAM intended for use with 3D LiDAR observations. The framework is the first to use the lightweight Scan Context descriptor for multi-robot SLAM, permitting a data-efficient exchange of LiDAR observations among robots. Additionally, our framework includes a two-stage global and local optimization framework for distributed multi- robot SLAM which provides stable localization results that are resilient to the unknown initial conditions that typify the search for inter-robot loop closures.



To run the KITTI08 dataset, change line 9 & 10 in launch/run.launch from

<rosparam file="$(find lio_sam)/config/params.yaml" command="load" />
<rosparam file="$(find lio_sam)/src/DiSCo-SLAM/config/mapfusion.yaml" command="load"/>


<rosparam file="$(find lio_sam)/config/params_k.yaml" command="load" />
<rosparam file="$(find lio_sam)/src/DiSCo-SLAM/config/mapfusion_k.yaml" command="load"/>

How to use

cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone 
cd ..
roslaunch lio_sam run.launch
rosbag play your_bag_name.bag