RocketChat / Rocket.Chat.Livechat

New Livechat client written in Preact
MIT License
246 stars 228 forks source link

This project is now part of the Rocket.Chat monorepo. Please open any new issues and pull requests there.


Language grade: JavaScript Total alerts Storybook

Currently, it's very common to find chat pop-ups when you're browsing websites.

Those widgets, at Rocket.Chat, are called LiveChat.

LiveChat is a small and lightweight application designed to provide B2C (Business-to-customer) communication between Agents and website visitors and is developed with Preact.

Running a development environment

With your running locally at http://localhost:3000

  1. Install all node dependencies.

  2. Build preact application to /build folder

    yarn dev
  3. In another terminal, run webpack with hot reload at http://localhost:8080

    yarn start
  4. Open this file below in your browser


OBS: For a better performance, you can run this widget-demo.html on a http server.

Different host

To select a different host on your local widget, check this configuration at /src/api.js file.

const host = window.SERVER_URL
    || queryString.parse(
    || (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? 'http://localhost:3000' : null);

Here, you can change to your new configuration.

const host = window.SERVER_URL
    || queryString.parse(
    || (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? '' : null);

Available CLI Commands

# install dependencies

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
yarn start

# build preact application to "build" folder
yarn dev

# build for production with minification
yarn build

# test the production build locally
yarn serve

# run tests with jest and preact-render-spy
yarn test

# run the storybook
yarn storybook

## Screens: