Rockjack00 / pdm-project

Planning and Decision Making Project
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Sample Space Shrinking RRT*


#TODO: come up with a good name

Final Project TU Delft course RO47005 Planning and Decision Making


Danish Ansari \ Jasper van Brakel \ Tyler Olson \ Gijs Zijderveld

Last Updated:

December 14th, 2023


This repository contains source code and demos accompanying our final project report. In this repository we implement an adaptation of the RRT* algorithm a modified collision checker as a global planner while using a holonomic high-five robot. The robot is being simulated in the gym_envs_urdf environment.

Quick start

First, complete the Setup Instructions.

The project installs to executables in to the venv, rrt-star-bench-single-run and rrt-star-bench-multi-run (multiple checkpints same sampler). These executables contain a help accesable via -h. The Nullspace sampler can be enabled using -NS.

As an artifact of the sample space updating, it may slow down after around 10 iterations when there is a tradeoff being made between frequently updating the sample space and generating good sample candidates. After some time however (after around 10% of null space has been covered), it will again speed up as the sample space converges and has already found most of the colliding regions.

It is important to validate a test before doing multi checkpoint runs. This can be done by checking the map using -vw and first running the RRT* with the simple sampler (default) to see if it can find a path. (The current world generation allows for some start/goal points on rare occacions, which collide, this causes path finding to fail.)

An example for both Simple and Nullspace sampler.

# Runs a single checkpoint RRT star test with the Simple Sampler, with all visualizations
rrt-star-bench-single-run -s 41 -i 500 -vw -vp -vs
# Runs a single checkpoint RRT star test with the Nullspace Sampler, with path and simulation visualizations
rrt-star-bench-single-run -s 41 -i 500 -NS -vp -vs

Setup Instructions

Note: These setup instructions have been tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and 22.04 LTS. On other platforms your mileage may vary.

An install/setup script is provided, which performs the same steps. Use at your own risks!

We recommend installing this project in a python virtual environment using the standard venv python package.

  1. Create the virtual environment and activate it.
    python -m venv <virtual-environment>
  2. Make sure pip is up to date.
    pip install --upgrade pip

Install the necessary packages with:

pip install -r requirements.txt

If you are using Ubuntu (22.04 LTS, Default Python):

sudo apt install python3-tk
sudo apt install python3-pil python3-pil.imagetk

For development the package can be installed as editable:

pip install -e .

If using TKinter in virtual env (Ubuntu with Deadsnakesppa):

sudo apt install python3.10-tk