RodionGork / FREJ

Fuzzy Regular Expressions for Java
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
26 stars 7 forks source link

FREJ - Fuzzy Regular Expressions for Java

Project purpose:

Library and command-line tool for text processing, using fuzzy matching of fragments joined by expressions of special form.

Was created for conversion of postal addresses infested with misspellings and variative names.

For example an expression:

    (barack, (?h*), obama) |44-th, // Current guy
    (=george, washington) |1-st,   // First man
    ({^abraham,abe},lincoln)|16-th // Best of all times
]~A |$A\_president\r\n\/\/of_U\_S\_A

Converts the name of the person (possibly misspelt) to N-th president of USA phrase.

Complete documentation on patterns

More detailed older project page and demo applet could be found at

Download binary (jar-file) here