RohanKoshy /

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Test Plan

Since me, Justin, and Kian are the only members in our 8 person group who will take the AP test this May, our test plan will primarily consist of reviewing material directly from the AP college board FRQs and MCQs, as well as rewatching the tutorial videos. We will start going through each unit week by the week together, meeting to talk about any questions or doubts we have, in addition to doing our pbl work.

Notes for Week 1 Tech Talk

Generic T It can be used for any type and represents a generic type class.

Calculator Uses stacks to individualize each element of a calculator equation, then seperate between numbers and operations, then ogranize between order of operations. Then bring two numbers from the numbers stack and use the selected operator to solve individualized equations.

Solutions for Week 0 Challenges

Solutions for Week 1 Challenges

*Solutions for Week 3 Challenges**