Rondelyn / CITS3403-Project

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Application Desc:

This application has been designed to provide users with a platform to sign up and post images that can be tagged with categories in a fun and safe space (uncomfortable content can be reported for removal). These are posts and are displayed on the feed page with a filter option to show only images with a matching tag. Users can vote on these posts and the top 5 will be displayed in order on the home page. From the home page, users can also select their preferred background colour for the site with a colour selector on the left of the page. Feed and Post can only be accessed by logged-in users and will otherwise be redirected to the login page. If users havn't registered they can sign up by clicking the sign up button on the login page.

Group Members:

UWA ID Names Github Users
23086965 Rondelyn Hanson Rondelyn
23374376 Lisa Cantu lcan2
23048519 Georgia Mackiewicz mackwiezy
22964393 Aya Bilal ayabilal

Instructions for use:

With the following installs the applicaiton should run: alembic==1.13.1, bcrypt==4.1.3, blinker==1.8.0, click==8.1.7, colorama==0.4.6, distlib==0.3.8, filelock==3.14.0, Flask==3.0.3, Flask-Bcrypt==1.0.1, Flask-Login==0.6.3, Flask-Migrate==4.0.7, Flask-SQLAlchemy==3.1.1, Flask-Uploads==0.2.1, Flask-WTF==1.2.1, greenlet==3.0.3, itsdangerous==2.2.0, Jinja2==3.1.3, Mako==1.3.3, MarkupSafe==2.1.5, platformdirs==4.2.1, SQLAlchemy==2.0.29, typing_extensions==4.11.0

To install make a virtual enviroment and then install requirements.txt (using pip install -r requirements.txt) When running flask run if it doesnt run if you use the command python -m flask run To run it successfully you need to type: flask --app YOUR_WORKING_DIRECTRY_TO_PROJECTIFY.PY run. To do this right click on the file and click copy path, use this path in the command in the termainal.
Before you run the applicaiton discovery must be set to find the secret key. From this link it will tell you which commad you should us for your computer Replace the FLASK_APP with RATE_MY_FIT_SECRET_KEY_12 when you run.

Instructions for tests:

To run the tests run the command in the terminal: python -m unittest tests/ This will run the unit tests automatically using a data base created in the memory.