Rongtao-Xu / RepresentationLearning

Representation Learning and Representation Fusion for computer vision, semantic scene understanding, and robotics.
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Representation Learning

Basic information:

Representation Learning: A Review and New Perspectives [arXiv]

Transformer Representation Learning

RSSFormer: Foreground Saliency Enhancement for Remote Sensing Land-Cover Segmentation [TIP2023]

Self Correspondence Distillation for End-to-End Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation [AAAI 2023]

DC-Net: Dual context network for 2D medical image segmentation [MICCAI 2021]

MTLDesc: Looking Wider to Describe Better [AAAI 2022]

DA-Net: Dual Branch Transformer and Adaptive Strip Upsampling for Retinal Vessels Segmentation [MICCAI 2022]