Ronsenval / UnrealEngineCompilationUsingFastBuild

Compile Unreal Engine 4.22 using FastBuild
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UE4.23 support #1

Open rafadsm opened 4 years ago

rafadsm commented 4 years ago

Hello, would you add support for 4.23? I made some changes but I don't know if they are correct, TheEmidee tutorial is out of date too, the WindowsPlatform.bUseVCCompilerArgs variable doesn't exist Thanks!

drachenkurve commented 4 years ago

You don't need to

  1. Apply fix from VS2019 required same behaviour as for VS2017;

if you're using 4.23.

davkim commented 4 years ago

I'm seeing the same error when I try to rebuild the UBT using 4.22