Ronsenval / UnrealEngineCompilationUsingFastBuild

Compile Unreal Engine 4.22 using FastBuild
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Compile Unreal Engine 4.22 using FastBuild

Implementation notes

Currently supported platforms

Recently supported platforms

Not supported platforms

Main idea

The main difference from Yassine Riahi & Liam Flookes version is in added support for dependency files. It was implemented using FastBuild "-report" argument. Generated report (see ReportFilePath) contains include files usage. Since there is no source code for cl-filter.exe, it is not possible to guarantee same result. Moreover it is fact, that output contains more include files than when using cl-filter.exe. Maybe more precise filtration could be applied, some ideas:

FastBuild version

Don't use FastBuild 0.96 or older versions, since it has processes management error.

For more information see

Installation steps

  1. Save copy of this file as ...\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealBuildTool\System\FASTBuild.cs;
  2. Add it to UnrealBuildTool project;
  3. Apply fix from VS2019 required same behaviour as for VS2017;
  4. Add FastBuild executor to ExecuteActions(...) inside ActionGraph.cs:
    // Figure out which executor to use
    ActionExecutor Executor;
    if (FASTBuild.IsAvailable())
    Executor = new FASTBuild();
    else if (BuildConfiguration.bAllowHybridExecutor && HybridExecutor.IsAvailable())
  5. Add "public" access modifier to GetVCToolPath64(...) method inside VCEnvironment.cs.

Original version