Room-11 / Jeeves

Chatbot for Stack Overflow
MIT License
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Feature request - a more general version of the php bugs plugin #290

Open Danack opened 4 years ago

Danack commented 4 years ago

So I've been thinking about how to improve communication problems that the PHP project has. I think the siloing of information, and communication around that information is part of the core problem.

I think that Jeeves could help solve parts of that problem by making it easier for communication to happen across places PHP developers hang out.

Please could you implement at least the start pieces of this, and add the remaining bits later.

Description: A text description of the thing. Link: to where discussion is taking place. Tags: a set of text tags that describe the thing. Each tag should have a score attribute which would be a number. If the score attribute isn't present, a default score of '1' should be assumed.

The general goal I have in mind is to make is easier for people to find useful information, and filter out information that is not as useful as because gestures in the general direction of the mailing list.