RossBoylan / mccli

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Montecarlo CLI (Command Line Interface)

WARNING: v 3.0 changes the meaning of inputs for the lognormal, beta and gamma distributions. The inputs now are the mean and standard deviation of the generated variables for all distributions. For distributions related to interventions (.inp files) this wasn't the case until v 3.3.

Only certain parameter values are legal, as was true before, e.g., standard deviations can not be negative. Usually the restrictions are obvious: the mean must be in the domain of the corresponding distribution, i.e., $>0$ for lognormal and gamma, in $(0, 1)$ for beta. The most subtle one is that $s$, the standard deviation of the beta, must satisfy $s^2 < m (1-m)$, with $m$ the mean.

Previously, the input parameters were the "native" parameters of the distribution (not always a well-defined concept; operationally the parameters NumPy uses), which means that to use those old inputs with the new code you must translate them into the implied mean and standard deviation.

As an example of translating from the old to new parameterization, consider the lognormal. Recall that $Y$ has a lognormal distribution if $X = \log(Y)$ has a normal distribution. The old interpretation was that the mean and sd referred to $X$; under the new scheme they refer to $Y$. If $a$ and $b$ are the mean and sd of the normal ($X$), and $m$ and $s$ are the mean and sd of the log-normal, they are related by

$m = \exp(a+b^2/2)$

$s^2 = (\exp(b^2)-1)\exp(2a+b^2)$.

So, if you're being mechanical, the old $a$ and $b$ must be changed to the new $m$ and $s$. However, that exercise might reveal that the old values weren't sensible, in which case a rethink would be in order.

There are other more subtle changes to the handling of correlated random numbers. The old code was ineffective in inducing correlations for beta, and possibly log-normal, distributions. The new code should generally induce higher correlations, though they will necessarily be imperfect. The correlations for interventions continue to be handled the old way, for now.

The previous discussion was a slight simplification: the program actually will accept "impossible" inputs in some cases and reinterpret them as described below.


Usage: mc <command> [options]

  init                   initialize Montecarlo files

  run-sims [iterations] [start] [seed]      run MC simulations
                                                       [aliases: run, r]

  --python, --py     python interpreter to use   [string] [default: py probably only works on MS-Windows]
  --help          Show help  

Use mc run --help for fuller meaning of arguments

Scans the output of a simulation run and converts it to a single datafile.

This GUI takes the datafile produced by frmtToData and shows a list of variables.
If you click on a variable the program will output a summary file.
The purpose here is to produce summaries for variables that the basic monte-carlo runs do not summarize.

Getting Started


This code is under development, may not work properly, and might seize your firstborn.

Get Source

This code is the repeatable branch of RossBoylan/mccli on Despite that, it is still identified as "@ecfairle/mccli", and because of that the conventional installation with npm install may not work, especially if you have already installed the earlier version.

I recommend putting a copy of this package on your local hard drive, e.g., Documents\mccli. You can clone it from github and switch to the repeatable branch, or get it from an archive file.

Node Setup

If you have not done so, install Node; we recommend the LTS version. If you have already installed it, check that it is up to date; Node notoriously suffers security bugs. node --version gives the version installed.

To ensure setup, you should change to the top directory for mccli, e.g. Documents\mccli\, if you are not already there, and use a terminal (e.g., type command prompt in MS Windows) to execute

npm install colors fs fs-extra inquirer@^8.0.0 path progress shelljs single-line-log yargs

Danger! Simply using npm install will also install the packages. But it also updates the system, including the shortcuts mc to invoke the program, and possibly some libraries:

Do not use the -g option to npm, since the package, as part of the general behavior of Node, does not load packages from the global environment (!).

You must pin the version of inquirer at 8; version 9 and later do not work with this code, and it would require potentially wide-ranging changes to get it to work. Version 9 of inquirer switched to an ESM package instead of a CommonJS package. But our program, and most of the modules it uses, are CommonJS. If you're curious see different ways to solve the problem. Still curious? Read more about the problems using both systems at once, and marvel at what a big mess it is.

Python Setup

If you don't already have Python3 on your system, install python. If you install it system-wide, which requires administrative rights, and add python to your PATH, life will be easier later.

Although using a Python virtual environment takes a little more setup, it separates this project more cleanly from others. In particular, it reduces the chances you will break unrelated programs. So that's what we describe here; you can skip the virtual environment steps if you're feeling lucky. So there's one question you've got to ask yourself: "Do I feeling lucky?" Well, do you, punk?

The careful reader will have noticed the word reduces in "reduces the chances you will break unrelated programs". It did not say it eliminates the risk. If you install a python module, like PySide2, that depends on non-python libraries like Qt, they may still end up being installed system-wide and cause trouble.

From the mccli root (you should already be there) create a virtual environment with

py -m venv pyenv   # Windows
python3 -m venv pyenv  # most others
python -m venv pyenv   # some others--do python --version first to check it is python3

Note that the environment does not need to be called pyenv and it can be anywhere you like. pyenv is already in .gitignore.

Once you create the environment you must activate it. When the environment is active the prompt will change, with the environment name appearing first, e.g., (pyenv), and you will get the version of python specific to that environment when you type python (using py on Windows is not as reliable a way to detect the virtual environment). When you install packages, as we are about to do, they go in the environment and are only visible from there.

The exact command to activate the environment varies with the operating system and choice of shell (a table toward the end of the Creating virtual environments section has them all). Assuming you are in the mccli root directory, the 3 most common choices

pyenv\Scripts\activate.bat   # Windows command prompt
pyenv\Scripts\Activate.ps1   # Windows powershell
# remember the source command below
source pyenv/bin/activate    # *nix bash/zsh

You are more likely to be in a directory holding your analysis later, in which case you will need a more elaborate path to refer to pyenv.

Each time you login, in fact each time you start a new terminal, you will need to activate the environment. No matter how you started, deactivate will disable the environment.

Now install the Python packages that mccli requires. These are documented in requirements.txt in the root folder of mccli. You may want to skip some of the packages listed in requirements.txt, in particular the heavy graphics of pyside2 are only needed for some post-analysis. You can review the comments in requirements.txt and comment out or delete any packages you don't want. Save the file. Then

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt  # or
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt  --user   # if you are not in a virtual environment

should install all necessary packages.

If now or later, specifically when running, you get errors related to the graphics system, one possible cause is that you need to install the Qt libraries (written in C++, not Python). You can get them through the green Download the Qt Online Installer button at the bottom of the page.

Later on you can keep your packages up to date with

python -m pip list --outdated  # shows which packages are old
python -m pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt # actually upgrades the packages
python -m pip install --upgrade randomgen numpy   # like this to upgrade specific packages

Node Virtual Environment

Node has something very like the Python virtual environments. Just as the pyenv directory created above holds a bunch of Python packages and related materials that are specific to this particular project, the node_modules directory holds the complete set of node modules used for this project. Both directories are in the project's .gitignore, so you don't get overwhelmed by huge lists of files when you are working with git (version control system).

First run

Then, assuming you have activated the Python virtual environment, this package is in Documents\mccli, the model files are in Documents\mymodel, and you are in the latter directory, type node ..\mccli\bin\mc init to set it up. There are actually a lot of supporting files required to specify the model, discussed later.

Once that's done,

node ..\mccli\bin\mc run <nsims> <first index> <seed> --python ..\mccli\pyenv\Scripts\python.exe  # Windows
node ../mccli/bin/mc run <nsims> <first index> <seed> --python ../mccli/pyenv/bin/python   # *nix
node ..\mccli\bin\mc run 5 0 8093218 --python ..\mccli\pyenv\Scripts\python.exe # e.g., to run 5 simulations starting at 0.  Index 0 is special because it uses the original parameters.

node ..\mccli\bin\mc --help for more information, and node ..\mccli\bin\mc run --help for even more information on the run command.

If you're curious, the reason for using node <path to main file> instead of just mc is that mc only works when it was registered as a global shortcut by npm install, which these instructions deliberately avoid using. To be sure of getting the right version we invoke node directly and give it the location of the file to execute.

Later Runs

If you want to execute a variation of the original simulation, rename the MC folder to something indicating what it contains and rerun mc init. If you are varying the risk factor intervention input you will then need to create MC\inputs\inp_distribution.txt, described below.

If your first run is part of the total run, e.g., repetitions 0-499, and you want to run the remainder, 500-1000, it may not automatically combine results. Instead at the start of the run the program will ask do you want to save these results (otherwise they will be written over). We should probably fix that.

On Windows things might work ok without the --python argument; if it is not specified the default py is used to invoke python. py will probably be able to launch python, but the one it launches may not be using the virtual environment. The simpler form --python python has a better chance of picking up the virtual environment. For *nix systems the default py to invoke python will not work; again using python or python3 without a path might work, and explicitly specifying it, as shown above, is safest of all.

The regular instructions appear below here.


  1. If it is not installed, download and install Node.js (known to work with v6.5, but try the latest stable release)
  2. If it is not installed, download and install Python (known to work with v3.5.2, but try the the latest stable version)
  3. In the command line, install the montecarlo CLI by running npm install -g @ecfairle/mccli (this same command can be used to update to the latest version)
  4. This should have installed some python libraries. However, pySide2 has many non-python dependencies. If it is not set up properly, you should follow the instructions there. Currently they involve installing Qt5, which in turn has some requirements. The clang components it needs are available for download from the Qt5 site and do not seem to be easily available from elsewhere.

Portions of the system currently rely on invoking python with the py command, which is probably Windows-specific.



Execute mc init (in command line within model directory) to initialize Montecarlo inputs:

  1. default number of iterations
  2. name of model executable
  3. dat files (from modfile) to be varied
  4. inp files to use

creating folder structure as follows:


where input_data.json contains the initial data for montecarlo simulation.

Modfile setup

  1. Copy files for simulation to corresponding montecarlo files using the naming convention {name}_mc0.dat (or {name}_mc0.inp) where name is the file name specified when choosing .dat/.inp files during mc init.
  2. Add _mc.dat files to corresponding .lst files and increase the count of alternatives on the first line of the .lst file.
  3. Change lines in _mc0.inp file to choose the appropriate line from the .lst file.
  4. Create files with the same format as original model files but with standard deviations instead of means. These files use a similar naming convention: {name}_sd.dat (not for .inp files)

.inp file setup.

Then create inp_distribution.txt in directory MC/inputs, which should break down the .inp file variation into sections by keyword (indicating the lines to vary), e.g.:

   g=2, 0.0095, 0.0030, 0.0        #Myopathy
   g=3, 1.17, 0.15, 0.0            #Liver panel
   g=4, 7.30, 0.91, 0.0            #Doctor Visit
   g=5, 1.50, 0.47, 0.0            #Stroke
   g=6, 7.75, 3.00, 0.0            #Diabetes
   g=7, 148.30, 37.04, 0.0         #Statin, high intensity 
   g=2, 0.0095, 0.0030, 0.0        #Myopathy
   g=3, 1.17, 0.15, 0.0            #Liver panel
   g=4, 7.30, 0.91, 0.0            #Doctor Visit
   g=5, 1.50, 0.47, 0.0            #Stroke
   g=6, 7.75, 3.00, 0.0            #Diabetes
   g=7, 48.67, 12.17, 0.0          #Statin, moderate intensity 
        0.000001, 0.0000005, 0.0     #Myopathy
        0.0000312, 0.00001560, 0.0   #Stroke
        0.0000747, 0.0000448, 0.0    #Diabetes
        0.0001, 0.000248, 0.0        #Unforeseen
        0.0, 0.0008, 0.0             #Pill disutility

The sections are further broken down by components, which each make up a part of their overall distribution. Here, sections include HIEFFECT (one component), HICOSTAHA (six components) etc.


A section can consist of a single component but multiple components allows you to separate data in ways that aren't considered by the model itself.


The program will sample from distribution dist_name (normal if omitted) with parameters mean, standard deviation and sum the results from each line. The sum will replace the value on the lines in which keyword is found. Supported distributions are:

Correlated Components

To indicate that samples should be correlated, give them the same group name (can be between labels). If a component shouldn't be correlated with any other component, either exclude the group argument or give it a unique group

Upper and Lower Bounds

Lower and/or upper bounds can be included but will default to -inf, +inf respectively. To add upper bound w/o lower bound put nothing inside lower_bound commas e.g. mean,sd,,upper_bound The bounds censor the data, recoding out-of-bounds values to the boundary, rather than truncating data, which would simply drop the values out of bounds. The mean and standard deviation for the distributions refers to the values before censoring. The resulting variable will not have the mean and standard deviation given in the input parameters.

MEAN option

For normal distributions the mean parameter can be the literal 'MEAN', indicating the mean of the distribution should be determined by the line in the .inp file. In this case the second parameter, normally interpreted as the standard deviation, is interpreted as a coefficient of variation. The standard deviation will be the coefficient of variation times the mean. This option is used to simplify the case in which there are many lines with the same significance but different means (these will be assumed to be correlated and have the same coefficient of variation).


Running Simulations

Execute mc run to run the default number of simulations or mc run n to run n simulations. This creates a folder structure as follows:

│       input_data.json
│       inp_distribution.txt
│   │   inp.txt
│   │
│   └───dat_files
│           prfp_0.dat
│           prfp_1.dat
│           rsk_0.dat
│           rsk_1.dat
   │   .run
   │       0712_0.frmt
   │       0712_1.frmt
   │       0712_0.dat
   │       0712_1.dat

Monte Carlo runs produce two output directories: results and input_variation.


Directory results contains model outputs, including:

  1. cumulative results (copies of outfile.dat). Naming convention: {name}_{simulation #}.dat
  2. breakdown results (rearranged data from .out file). Naming convention: {name}_{simulation #}.frmt
  3. summary results (comma separated value files split up by outcome and organized by age-range and gender).

Input Variation

Directory input_variation contains varied model inputs. These can be used to verify that inputs follow the desired distributions. In particular:

  1. File inp.txt shows the ultimate value used to replace corresponding values in the .inp file (regardless if it's actually used). In addition, at the top it includes counts of the number of places in each .inp file the label is found.
  2. Directory dat_files contains copies of the modified dat files (from modfile) for each run. Naming convention: {name}_{simulation #}.dat