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_dataset.php: improve the way the related identifier are displayed #62

Closed nathcast closed 3 years ago

nathcast commented 3 years ago

Use the DOI from the related identifier to pull the fill referencefrom eRApaper Related identifiers are either Texts or Datasets in our system.

this is a good dataset to test:

TODO: For this update:

Later update:

nathcast commented 3 years ago

The related identifier relationship type can be:

1   IsCitedBy   2   1   is cited by
2   Cites   1   1   cites
3   IsSupplementTo  4   1   is supplement to
4   IsSupplementedBy    3   1   is supplemented by
5   IsContinuedBy   6   1   is continued by
6   Continues   5   1   continues
7   IsDescribedBy   8   1   is described by
8   Describes   7   1   describes
9   HasMetadata 10  0   has metadata
10  IsMetadataFor   9   0   is metadata for
11  HasVersion  12  0   has version
12  IsVersionOf 11  0   is version of
13  IsNewVersionOf  14  1   is new version of
14  IsPreviousVersionOf 13  1   is previous version of
15  IsPartOf    16  0   is part of
16  HasPart 15  0   has part
17  IsReferencedBy  18  1   is referenced by
18  References  17  1   references
19  IsDocumentedBy  20  0   is documented by
20  Documents   19  0   documents
21  IsCompiledBy    22  0   is compiled by
22  Compiles    21  0   compiles
23  IsVariantFormOf 24  0   is variant for of
24  IsOriginalFormOf    23  0   is original for of
25  IsIdenticalTo   25  0   is identical to
26  IsReviewedBy    27  0   is reviewed by
27  Reviews 26  0   reviews
28  IsDerivedFrom   29  1   is derived from
29  IsSourceOf  28  1   is source of
30  IsRequiredBy    31  0   is required by
31  Requires    30  0   requires
32  IsObsoletedBy   33  0   is obsoleted by
33  Obsoletes   32  0   obsoletes

It is suggested that related identifiers that are datasets are either related datasets, or previous. I suggere we use Other versions : rt_id 13 and 14 (previous or later) and related datasets for rt_id other than 13 and 14.

nathcast commented 3 years ago

See to see this in action