# new eRA web site The new web site is designed in PHP, with Bootstrap 4 for styling. It is mainly database driven.
The information on the web site can be related to
an LTE can have more than one dataset. So in the metadata folder we can organise things:
File names preceded with _undescore are modules and are supposed to be included in pages that link the headers. So we have two kinds of php pages at the root of the site:
, index.php
: The pages preceeded with dev are not meant to stay in the site but only there during the development process. They display styles or are temporary pages. delPages.php
: these are marked for deletion. Deprecated. _paper.php
, _design_php
. foldername for farm or site is the common name for the site (rothamsted
, woburn
Folder Name for an experiment is the experiment code, stripped of all / and dates. so broadbalk is rbk1
Folder Name for a dataset is the DATASETNAME
: short, unique, all caps: imagine that it could go in the database eventually.
See remark above regarding the struture: farm>experiment>dataset: under that paradigm, it makes sense to place dataset folders in experiment folders. We have some cases when experiments are on multiple sites or we want to write descriptions related to more than one experiment: like the rotation experiments: rrn including rrn1 and rrn2. ? we need to discuss that.
Put the data files, and file with supporting information in the 'dataset' folder, which is in the experiment folder.
Filename for the landing page in the old interface, is index.php
Filename for the Datafile is DATASET-data-v1.xls
or DATASET-data-v1.csv
supporting information is: DATASET-sup-v1.xls
any file that is relevant to the dataset only should reside in the DATASET
Any file that is relevant to more than one dataset in the same experiment can go in the experimen
t folder and not a dataset folder.
If a file is for more than one experiment, may be it should be at the root of metadata. Such file would be relevant to the whole farm or organisation. We need to think about that case scenario.
if the file location and name for the dataset is for example metadata/met/RMMR5318/index.php then the URL will eventually be www.era.rothamsted.ac.uk/met/RMMR5318 and the DOI will be: [https://doi.org/10.23637/RMMRAIN5318 (https://doi.org/10.23637/RMMRAIN5318)
In the main experiment page, there is a list of links to datasets available, add the new ones there with either the link being the DOI link or the URL link. In the new site, we buid an array with all the datasets. This URL should not change with the new version of eRA.
Written with StackEdit.