Closed nathcast closed 2 years ago
The tool to search the curated keywords is ready and visible when one clicks a keyword.
We could also have a link to it?
I have updated the keyword.php tool with a word cloud.
Regarding Keywords, in cdera, run 'select s.subject, s.subject_id from subjects s where not exists (select * from document_subjects ds where ds.ds_id = s.subject_id) ' to find out that only 2 keywords have no documents associated with them.
Question for Team: do we want the keyword search to also retrieve the documents? or to retrieve them in different pages? The documents are linked a different way, so it is not absolutly trivial like just removing afilter from the sql.
I have added the documents to the list of things retrieved from the keywords. I add the numbers for the work cloud.
From meeting 5/01/2022
[x] Remove obvious keywords from the list that is displayed in the cloud (rothamsted experiment station, long term experiments, experiment names)
[x] Tool to add the "more pages.." to the results. The tool should look at the keywords list that we have and look for pages in More that have the keywords.. If so, then add the page to the associated keyword.