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_dataset: link keywords to other datasets that have these keywords #79

Closed nathcast closed 2 years ago

nathcast commented 3 years ago

It would be nice to see a link to the keywords and theat the link the datasets which have the same keywords.

The search app is at :

These are the TODOs from the 14/07 meeting

nathcast commented 3 years ago

I am trying to use the up and down arrows to navigate the list of results. and so far, I have not managed

Solutions I have tried:

nathcast commented 3 years ago

The search app is at : These are the TODOs from the 14/07 meeting

nathcast commented 2 years ago

When searching one term and going to document or page the back button does not work. Need to find a way that the site rememebrs the search term and reloads the page.

nathcast commented 2 years ago

The link to the oage is worng: fixed. cannot reproduce Sarahs problem, _

nathcast commented 2 years ago

Type a keyword in search box and click return: select a link then go back, the page needs submitting

nathcast commented 2 years ago

I am redirecting the search to $("#result").html(''); let word = $(this).text().trim(); window.location.href = 'keyword/'+word; after the search and that woordks