RubyOffTheRailsTAMU / PhD-Application-Review-System

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Organization: Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Contact name: Prof. Khanh Nguyen

Contact email:

Team Contact Information

Product Owner: Tanay Patankar

Scrum Master: Francesco Romano

Shreyas Shivakumar Kasetty

Brian Munoz

Meetansh Gupta

Ruofei Xu

Client's description of the project The PhD Admission process currently solicits reviews from committee members and faculties using a Google Sheet. PARC would like to have a system built that can help with the admission process.

  1. it should help faculties easily filter applications of interest.
  2. it should make the reviews input easy for faculties.
  3. it should help support staff keep track of status of each application.

Additional information provided by the client Green-light from the department head might be required before the work can start.

Ideally we would want to use TAMU credentials (one less account for faculties and staff to create) for users. Can it interact with webadmit API Links to an external site.?

Note from Prof. Ritchey: consider it green-lighted, but see my advice below.

Advice from Prof. Ritchey

  1. Use Ruby on Rails.
  2. Focus on Functionality. a. Data security is critical due to FERPA. i. Keep all PII encrypted at rest, or don't store it at all if you don't need it. ii. Default = deny access. Use whitelists to allow users access. b. Talk to several different faculty members about their experiences with the existing PhD application review system. c. Use OAuth2.0 to provide "Login with Google" i. use whitelisting to limit user access, e.g. must be a CSE faculty member to review PhD applications d. Make integration with WebAdMIT API a priority.
  3. Adhere to BDD and TDD.

Instruction for set-up and deploy

Follow this file, get started on Phd-Application-Review-System.


Development Environment

Recommend to use Sonoma 14.0 or Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS from WSL2. (Refer to this link)

Install ruby 3.2.2

Here I recommend using rvm, a tool for managing Ruby with different versions. (Refer to this link)

Install rvm:

Install GPG keys

gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 7D2BAF1CF37B13E2069D6956105BD0E739499BDB

Install rvm

\curl -sSL | bash

Reload profile

source ~/.bashrc

Check rvm version

rvm -v

You should see the version of rvm, which means you have successfully installed rvm.

Then install and use ruby 3.2.2

rvm install 3.2.2
rvm use 3.2.2
rvm use 3.3.2 --default 

Install postgresql

On Ubuntu, you can install postgresql by using apt

sudo apt update
sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib

Then, start postgresql service

sudo systemctl enable postgresql
sudo systemctl start postgresql

Check the postgresql service status

sudo systemctl status postgresql

you should see the status of postgresql service is active.

Create a role in postgresql

sudo -i -u postgres

Then, create a user and alter the role to superuser


Setup on local and deploy on Heroku

Set up the project on local

We have two repositories for this project. one is the review system repo, which is the backend and frontend parts of the project. Another one is the database system, which is for the database

Clone the review system repo review system

git clone

Get in the root of the project:

cd PhD-Application-Review-System

Setting ENV variables in Development Environment

Create .env file in the root directory and set the following environment variables.


NOTE: There are few more environment variables which needs to be set which are captured in the next few sections.

Install all dependencies:

Note: Delete the Gemfile.lock before running bundle install.

bundle install

Set up local database:

rails db:migrate
rails db:seed

Now, you can run the review project homepage locally:

rails s

Setting up Database System

Now, clone the database system repo database system

git clone

Get in the root of the database project:

cd PhD-Application-Review-System-Database-management

Install all dependencies:

bundle install

Set up local database:

rails db:migrate
rails db:seed

Now, you can start the database management system locally:

rails s

Deploy the project on Heroku

We have 2 repo to deploy, so we will have 2 apps on Heroku

Register an account on Heroku:

Download Heroku CLI:

After that, check the version of Heroku CLI:

heroku -v

You should see the version of Heroku CLI, which means you have successfully installed Heroku CLI.

Then, login to Heroku:

heroku login

First, deploy the review system repo.

Go to the terminal of the review system project, and create an app for the review system:

heroku create <you-review-system-app-name>

Go to your Heroku console, and add the Heroku remote:

heroku git:remote -a <you-review-system-app-name>

Deploy the app on Heroku:

git add .
git commit -am "make it better"
git push heroku main

And then, go Heroku console to check whether the app is deployed.

If you want to check the status of the app:

heroku ps

If you want to check the logs of the app:

heroku logs

Then, deploy the database system repo.

The steps are the same as the review system repo:

Go to the terminal of the database system, and then:

heroku create <you-database-system-app-name>

Go to your Heroku console, and add the heroku remote:

heroku git:remote -a <you-database-system-app-name>

Deploy the app on Heroku:

git add .
git commit -am "make it better"
git push heroku main

Then, go to the Heroku console to check whether the app is deployed.

If you want to check the status of the app:

heroku ps

If you want to check the logs of the app:

heroku logs

Setting Environment Variables in Heroku

  1. Login to Heroku CLI: First, ensure you are logged into the Heroku CLI.
    heroku login
  2. cd your-app-directory
  3. heroku config:set DATABASE_SERVER_URL= -a your-app-name
  4. heroku config:set PHD_APP_REVIEW_URL= -a your-app-name

Admin Account

An admin account is used to manage the review system and the database system, you can use the following account to log into the database management system. Set admin account in db/seeds.rb

Google OAuth

We use Google OAuth to log in to the review system, so you need to set up the Google OAuth in your Google Cloud Platform. You MUST do this with your TAMU Google account.

Venture here: to set up your Google credentials. Click on the CREATE PROJECT button.

After the project is created, select the “Credentials” option from the menu on the left then you can select the “OAuth Consent Screen”. Set it to type Internal and click Create.

Add the required information and then in the "Authorized domains" section, add the endpoints for all of the valid places you can use Google auth. For example

Create it and find the client id and client secret. Add it to the .env file


Then, you should add your email to the app/assets/whitelist.txt file. Then you can use your TAMU email to log into the review system.

Refer to this for any more specific information:

Public Key and Private Key

We use public key and private key for JWT authentication, you need to set up the public key and private key in your local environment and then store them on Heroku. You can check config/initializers/jwt.rb to see how we use the public key and private key.

If you want to know more about JWT, you can check ./ and go JWT.

Here is a way to generate keys, you can use other proper ways to generate your own keys.

Generate private key:

openssl genrsa -aes256 -out private_key.pem 2048

Generate public key:

openssl rsa -pubout -in private_key.pem -out public_key.pem

Then, use base64 to encode the private key and public key:

Go Base64 Encode to encode the private key and public key, and then copy the encoded private key and public key.

base64 encoding

Then set the environment variables in your local environment, add the keys in the .env file, save encoded_private_key in the review system repo, and save encoded_public_key in the database system repo.

# review system repo
# database system repo

Now, you can use the APIs for the database locally. Because we will deploy the project on Heroku, you should also add these encoded_private_key and encoded_public_key on Heroku. Here are steps:

  1. Go Heroku console, and go to the review system app.
  2. Go to the Settings tab, and click Reveal Config Vars.
  3. Add PRIVATE_KEY in the KEY column, and add encoded_private_key in the VALUE column.
  4. Do the same steps on the database system app, but add PUBLIC_KEY in the KEY column, and add encoded_public_key in the VALUE column.

Then you can use the APIs for the database on Heroku.


You can go /spec to see the rspec tests and /features to check the cucumber tests.

Run rspec test:

bundle exec rspec

Run cucumber test:

bundle exec cucumber

And you can see the aggregate coverage of the test in coverage/index.html.

If you want a report for the test, you can run:

bundle exec cucumber --publish

Then, click the link to see the report.

Motor Admin

You can view information about the Motor Admin at this link: Motor Admin.