RuihanLu / EditableObjectNeRF

MIT License
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Editable Object NeRF


We have tested the code on pytorch 1.8.1, while a newer version of pytorch should also work.

conda create -n object_nerf python=3.8
conda activate object_nerf
conda install pytorch==1.8.1 torchvision cudatoolkit=11.1 -c pytorch -c conda-forge
pip install -r requirements.txt

Data Preparation

Please go to the data preparation.


You can run to train the model, and here are two examples.

# train on ScanNet 0113
python dataset_config=config/scannet_base_0113_multi.yml "img_wh=[640,480]" exp_name=my_expr_scannet_0113

# train on ToyDesk 2
python dataset_config=config/toy_desk_2.yml "img_wh=[640,480]" exp_name=my_expr_toydesk_2

Editable Scene Rendering

Here we provide two examples of scene editing with pre-trained models (download link).

ScanNet Object Duplicating and Moving

python test/ \
    config=test/config/edit_scannet_0113.yaml \
    ckpt_path=../object_nerf_edit_demo_models/scannet_0113/last.ckpt \

ToyDesk Object Rotating

python test/ \
    config=test/config/edit_toy_desk_2.yaml \
    ckpt_path=../object_nerf_edit_demo_models/toydesk_2/last.ckpt \

Remember to change the ckpt_path to the uncompressed model checkpoint file.

You can find the rendered image in debug/rendered_view/render_xxxxxx_scannet_0113_duplicating_moving or debug/rendered_view/render_xxxxxx_toy_desk2_rotating which should look as follows:


Our Result



In this project we use (parts of) the implementations of the following works:

We thank the respective authors for open sourcing their methods.