RuikunZhou / Unknown_Neural_Lyapunov

Neural Lyapunov control of unknown nonlinear systems with stability guarantees
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This repository contains the code for the paper: Neural Lyapunov control of unknown nonlinear systems with stability guarantees


To calculate the Lipschitz constant of neural networks

How it works

This algorithm is made up of two neural netowrks and an SMT solver. The first neural network is responsible for learning the unknown dynamics. The second neural network aims to identify a valid Lyapunov function and a provably stabilizing nonlinear controller. The SMT solver then verifies that the candidate Lyapunov function indeed satisfies the Lyapunov conditions.

A typical procedure is as follows:

FNN approximates the unknown dynamics by minimizing the Mean Square Loss bettween the outputs and the targets, and the training process stops when the max of the 2-norm over all the samples reaches the desired value. In VNN, the learning process updates the parameters by iteratively minimizing the Lyapunov risk, a cost function measures the degree of violation of the Lyapunov conditions and the norm of partial derivatives, while the verifying part (SMT solver) periodically searches counterexample state vectors and adds them back to the training set for the next iteration.
