The cljain is an abstraction layer sitting on top of JAIN-SIP. It let's you use it in Clojure's way.
Add the following to your project.clj :
[cljain "0.6.0-Alpha1"]
Then execute
lein deps
And here is an example to show how to work with cljain.
(use 'cljain.dum)
(require '[cljain.sip.core :as sip]
'[cljain.sip.address :as addr])
(defmethod handle-request :MESSAGE [request transaction _]
(println "Received: " (.getContent request))
(send-response! 200 :in transaction :pack "I receive the message from myself."))
(global-set-account {:user "bob", :domain "localhost", :display-name "Bob", :password "thepwd"})
(sip/global-bind-sip-provider! (sip/sip-provider! "my-app" "localhost" 5060 "udp"))
(sip/set-listener! (dum-listener))
(send-request! :MESSAGE :to (addr/address "sip:bob@localhost") :pack "Hello, Bob."
:on-success (fn [& {:keys [response]}] (println "Fine! response: " (.getContent response)))
:on-failure (fn [& {:keys [response]}] (println "Oops!" (.getStatusCode response)))
:on-timeout (fn [& _] (println "Timeout, try it later.")))
You can find more examples in the test directory.
For more detailed information on cljain, please refer to the documentation.
Copyright (C) 2013 Ruiyun Wen
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.