Rumarino-Team / hydrus-software-stack

Unified software stack for the Hydrus submarine that will include computer vision, embedded, and controls code.
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Getting Started:

Welcome to the Hydrus Software Stack. This is the collection of ROS packages for running RUMarino AUV.

How to install


To install the dependencies and running the packages with Docker you need to run the following commands.

git clone
cd docker
chmod +x ./

Options for running the dockers.

the command ./ have the following options for running it lets discuss them.

There are 3 types of docker compose that the application can run. cpu only, nvidia gpu and Jetsons. Whenever you run the command ./ this will automatically detect your computer which one applies best to run for your specific case.

Aditionally there are 3 arguments that you add into the application for different purposes:

./ --deploy --volume --force-cpu


There are three main nodes required to enable autonomy:

controllers : autonomy/src/ computer_vision: autnomy/src/ mission_planning:

To run all the ros nodes at the same time you can use the autonomy.launch launch file.

roslaunch autonomy autonomy.launch

Download ROS Bags

Run ROS Bags

  1. Download the ROS bag file.

  2. Play the bag with:

    rosbag play <file_path>
  3. To loop playback:

    rosbag play <file_path> --loop