Runix is a mod that is is heavily influence and based on [Runecraft] (
To contribute Runix you must:
1: Have a basic to working knowledge of Java and the Forge api.
2: Have a basic to working knowledge of how git works.
3: A GitHub account
4: Fork the project
The Java JDK is used to compile Runix.
Oracle Binary Code License Agreement for Java SE
, and download it (if you have a 64-bit OS, please download the 64-bit version).emerge dev-java/oracle-jdk-bin
pacman -S jdk7-openjdk
apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
yum install java-1.7.0-openjdk
Control Panel\System and Security\System
, and click on Advanced System Settings
on the left-hand side.Environment Variables
.System Variables
, click New
.Variable Name
, input JAVA_HOME
.Variable Value
, input something similar to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_51
exactly as shown (or wherever your Java JDK installation is), and click Ok
, and double-click on it.;%JAVA_HOME%\bin
. Make sure the location is correct; double-check just to make sure.javac
. If it spews out a bunch of possible options and the usage, then you're good to go.Gradle is used to execute the various build tasks when compiling Runix.
.emerge dev-java/gradle-bin
apt-get install gradle
yum install gradle
only if you know what you're doing.Environment Variables
and then create a new system variable.Variable Name
.Variable Value
, input something similar to C:\Gradle-1.11
exactly as shown (or wherever your Gradle installation is), and click Ok
again, and append ;%GRADLE_HOME%\bin
. Once again, double-check the location.gradle
. If it says "Welcome to Gradle [version].", then you're good to go.Git is used to clone Runix and update your local copy.
This section assumes that you're using the command-line version of Git.
) by executing cd [folder location]
. This location is known as WorkingDIR
from now on.git clone
. This will download Runix's source into WorkingDIR
\-Runix's files (should have `build.gradle`)
gradlew setupCiWorkspace
. This sets up Forge and downloads the necessary libraries to build Runix. This might take some time, be patient.
changes.gradlew build
. If you did everything right, BUILD SUCCESSFUL
will be displayed after it finishes. This should be relatively quick.
, check the error output (it should be right around BUILD FAILED
), fix everything (if possible), and try again.WorkingDIR\Runix\build\libs
file named Runix-1.7.10-majorversion.minorversion.local.jar
A PR MUST meet these standards befor being merged:
1: The PR MUST be singed off by the author
2: The coding style MUST be uniform with Runix's(LordIllyohs HATES none uniform styles)
3: The PR MUST pass a Travis-ci build, if it fails odds are it won't be merged.
-If you think it should still be merged please give us a GOOD reason to do so.
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[Wiki Page] (
[Runix's licence] (