Runonstof / CustomNPCs-Scripting-Software

Server Management Software. Created for CustomNPCs 1.12.2
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Custom NPCs Server Scripting Software

Script for Custom NPCs 1.12.2

Useful info
How to install
Beta Testing
Scripting Documentation



<argument> Means it is required
[argument] Means it is optional
<...arguments> Means you can provide multiple, but at least provide one
[...arguments] Means you can provide multiple, but is optional


year = y
month = mon
week = w
day = d
hour = h
minute = min
second = s
millisec = ms
So 1 year 2 months and 3 second should be written as

Keep in mind that the commands themselves and their arguments like teams and players are case-sensitive!


The permission_id of for example !perms removePlayers <permission_id> <...players> would be perms.removePlayers

Be careful of changing permissioncommand-permissions!
!perms add <permission_id> Adds a new permission, is currently impractical to do as permission are now automatic, and no cool things for custom permission yet :(
!perms setEnabled <permission_id> <value> Disabled or Enabled an permission, <value> should be true or false.
!perms remove <permission_id> ONLY REMOVE PERMISSIONS ADDED BY YOURSELF!
!perms addTeams <permission_id> <...teams> This command add teams to a permission
!perms removeTeams <permission_id> <...teams> This command removes teams from a permission
!perms addPlayers <permission_id> <...players> This command add players to a permission, if you want to make exceptions
!perms removePlayers <permission_id> <...players> This command removes players from a permission
!perms list [...matches] Shows all the permission ids, and if at least one match is given, it shows only the ids that match it
!perms info <permission_id> Shows all the info about the permission

And much more to come


!convertNpcLoot <radius> Convert the old money in NPC dropchances to new money
!convertMoney Converts the old money in your hand to new money.
!giveMoney <amount> [...players] Gives yourself or the given players the amount of money, write <amount> like this: 29m248k98G2c
Most of you wont probably have access to this command
!sayas <player> <...message> Say something as someone else >:)
!listEnchants [...matches] Get all enchants (including those added by mods)
!listPotions [...matches] Lists all potion effects (including those added by mods)
!listBiomes [...matches] Lists all biomes (including those added by mods)


Only a few commands yet, but there is gonna be an item edit interface for custom-attributes etc.
!item rename <> Rename the item in hand, you can use color codes with the & character
!item renameLore <slot> [] Rename lore of item in your hand, slot starts at 0


!jobs add <name> [...display_name] Adds a job, <name> should only contain a-zA-Z0-9_ (no spaces), so Oil Treater would be oil_treater
!jobs remove <name> Removes a job
!jobs setPay <name> <amount> Sets the salary of a job, use 1M23K485G2C-like notation for <amount>
!jobs setPayTime <name> <time> Set the interval of the salary, check this channel of how to format <time> correctly
!jobs setOpen <name> <open> Sets the job open, <open> should be true or false
!jobs setDisplayName <name> <...display_name> Sets the display name of a job
!jobs list [...matches] Lists all jobs or matching with one of given matches
!jobs info <name> Shows info about an jobs
!jobs playerList <name> List all players who work at that job (can also be seen soon with !player income)
!jobs addPlayers <name> <...players> Force-add players to a job, this is an admin-command
!jobs removePlayers <name> <...players> Force-removes players from a job
!jobs setPlaces <name> <amount> Set the available places in a job, set to -1 for infinite
!jobs setFireTime <name> <time> If <time> has passed, and player has still not logged in, he get fired.

!jobs apply <name> and !jobs fire <name> <...players> are in the making

PLAYER COMMANDS Made for regular players

!myIncome Shows your salary, how much time between salaries and when you will get your next one ^^ Job salary info to be added
!home <name> TPs you to home <name>
!addHome <name> Creates a home
!delHome <name> Deletes a home
!listHomes Lists all your homes


!player setPay <player> <amount> Sets <player>'s base income to <amount>
!player setPayTime <player> <time> Every time that <time> has passed, <player> receives his base-income. Use time notation
!player setMaxJobs <player> <amount> Sets the maximum jobs <player> can have, set to -1 for infinite jobs
!player setMaxHomes <player> <amount> Sets the maximum homes <player> can have. (-1 is infinite)
!player setChatColor <player> <color> Sets <player>'s chatcolor to <color>
!player setChatEffect <player> <effect> Sets <player>'s chateffect to <effect>
!player income <player> Same as !myIncome but shows for other players
!player info <player> Shows playerinfo, needs some more info in it


!chat create <name> Creates a chat channel, name should only contain A-Za-z0-9_
!chat remove <name> Removes a chat channel
!chat list [...match] Lists all chat channels (and in what you're talking in), and if at least one match is given, it shows only matching these
!chat setColor <name> <color> Sets chat color, defaults to blue like Discord
!chat setDisplayName <name> <...displayName> Sets display name, spaces allowed, no color coding (auto-handled)
!chat setDesc <name> [...desc] Sets description, can also be nothing.
!chat join <name> Hmmmmmmmmm???????
!chat leave <name> ^^
!chat addPlayers <name> <...players> admin command planned for force-adding players