Runsheng / primerdiffer

Design specific primers genome-widely.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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primerdiffer: batch design primers for chromosomal level genotyping

PyPI License


The package worked with python version >=3.8 (Tested in python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10 and 3.11). Only tested in linux x64 system.

python package:

other program in your $PATH:

example code to install the packages under python3 with pip and conda

pip install primerdiffer # will also install primer3-py and biopython  
conda install -c bioconda blast # install ncbi blast, which is not included in pip installation

Case example: used to design primers for two haplotypes

Design genome-wide specific primers for two species/sub-species/divergent sequences:

optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -d WKDIR, --wkdir WKDIR The dir path contain the file, if not given, use the current dir -g1 GENOME1, --genome1 GENOME1 the fasta file used to design primer -g2 GENOME2, --genome2 GENOME2 the fasta file used to check false priming -pos POSITION, --position POSITION position on genome1 to design primer, use string with IGV format, like ChrX:1956230-1976220 --alignlen ALIGNLEN the cutoff of primer min align length as a right hit, default is 16 --free3len FREE3LEN the cutoff of primer 3' align length as a right hit, default is 2 --productlen PRODUCTLEN the cutoff of max product which will be treated as a false priming, default is 2000. -h1 HIT1, --hit1 HIT1 the cutoff of max number of in-silicon PCR product which can be found in genome1. default is 1 -h2 HIT2, --hit2 HIT2 the cutoff of max number of in-silicon PCR product which can be found in genome2, default is 0 -i INTERVAL, --interval INTERVAL interval is the region begins to pick primers, default is 5000. If 5k is the unit, will pick one primer each 5k -j JUMP, --jump JUMP jump is the region to jump inside intervals if the prvious interval can not generate a valid primer, the smaller, more sites to check. Default is 500. --prefix PREFIX prefix of output file, default is primers

Use _C. nigoni_ and _C.briggsae_ genomes as example. The two fasta files can be downloaded separately 
from [cb5.fa]( and 

The _C. nigoni_ genome is cn3_new.fa and _C. briggsae_ genome is cb5.fa. To design _C. briggsae_ unique primer, 
which would not amplify any region in _C. nigoni_, and amplify only one region in _C. briggsae_. 
The targeted region for C. briggsae is ChrX:12881200-15106660 (-pos or --position),
one primer is designed for every 4kb interval (-i or --interval).
```bash -g1 cb5.fa -g2 cn3_new.fa -pos "ChrX:12881200-15106660" --interval 4000
# check the result in file "primers_ChrX_12881200-15106660.txt"
head primers_ChrX_12881200-15106660.txt

Case example: use to annotate the output with position and in silicon PCR result

usage: [-h] [-d WKDIR] [-f FILE] [-g GENOME] [--alignlen ALIGNLEN] [--free3len FREE3LEN] [--productlen PRODUCTLEN] [-o OUT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d WKDIR, --wkdir WKDIR
                        The dir path contain the file, if not given, use the current dir
  -f FILE, --file FILE  the 4 col table generated by
  -g GENOME, --genome GENOME
                        the fasta file used to design primer
  --alignlen ALIGNLEN   the cutoff of primer min align length as a right hit, default is 16
  --free3len FREE3LEN   the cutoff of primer 3' align length as a right hit, default is 2
  --productlen PRODUCTLEN  the cutoff of max product which will be treated as a false priming, default is 2000.
  -o OUT, --out OUT     output file, contains possible amplification regions of this primer pair
# example:  first check the input file format, the col4 is from the output
head primers_ChrX_12881200-15106660.txt 

# run -f primers_ChrX_12881200-15106660.txt -g cb5.fa -o primer_pos.txt

# the output is 6 col table
#ChrX:12881200-12881700 GATCCAAAACATGAGTGGCC    CGAGATCATTGGCTCAAAGT    287 ChrX:12881301-12881587  ATCCAAAACATGAG....

Case example: in silico PCR for one primer

Use in silico PCR to get the position and the product of one primer

usage: [-h] [-d WKDIR] [-f FORWARD] [-r REVERSE] [-g GENOME] [--alignlen ALIGNLEN]
                [--free3len FREE3LEN] [--productlen PRODUCTLEN] [-o OUT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d WKDIR, --wkdir WKDIR
                        The dir path contain the file, if not given, use the current dir
  -f FORWARD, --forward FORWARD
                        the forward primer sequence
  -r REVERSE, --reverse REVERSE
                        the reverse primer sequence
  -g GENOME, --genome GENOME
                        the fasta file used to design primer
  --alignlen ALIGNLEN   the cutoff of primer min align length as a right hit, default is 16
  --free3len FREE3LEN   the cutoff of primer 3' align length as a right hit, default is 2
  --productlen PRODUCTLEN
                        the cutoff of max product which will be treated as a false priming, default is
  -o OUT, --out OUT     output file, contains all possible amplification regions of this primer pair -f gcactttcatgtccctcaac -r cactctattctcaccccacc -g cb5.fa -o ispcr.fa
# check the PCR product in ispcr.fa
head ispcr.fa

Case example: Design general purpose primers with given parameters

The default primer design parameter is described in

primer3_general_settings =  {
        'PRIMER_OPT_SIZE': 20,
        'PRIMER_MIN_SIZE': 18,
        'PRIMER_MAX_SIZE': 23,
        'PRIMER_OPT_TM': 57.0,
        'PRIMER_MIN_TM': 46.0,
        'PRIMER_MAX_TM': 63.0,
        'PRIMER_MIN_GC': 20.0,
        'PRIMER_MAX_GC': 80.0,
        'PRIMER_PRODUCT_SIZE_RANGE': [[250, 650]],

The new parameter can be supplemnted as a file with the terms which need to be changed, for example, create a file with name of config.txt

# content of config.txt
# only changed the product size, the others are the same the default

Run to design a qPCR primer(product size 100-200bp, use the config.txt for primer3config) for C. briggsae mitochondrial DNA sequence NC_009885.1 in any region (use 0:-1 means from the first nucleotide to the last); check the C. briggsae genome cb5.fa for false priming, make sure the hit is 0. -g1 NC_009885.fa -g2 cb5.fa -pos "NC_009885.1:0:-1" \
                --interval 1000 --hit1 1 --hit2 0 \
                --primer3config config.txt


Please kindly cite our paper in bioinformatics if you find primerdiffer or primervcf useful in your work: Link to publication.

Ren, X., Shao, Y., Zhang, Y., Ni, Y., Bi, Y., & Li, R. (2023). Primerdiffer: a python command line module for large-scale primer design in haplotype genotyping. Bioinformatics, btad188.

Other functions:

  1. To design the primer using VCF file for closely related haplotypes (i.e., strain/individual level differences). Please check primervcf package.
  2. add the primerdffer output table description and ispcr function for the output.