Runware / sdk-js

Javascript SDK for integrating the web sockets API
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Runware Javascript & Typescript SDK

This SDK is used to run AI image generation with the Runware API, powered by the RunWare inference platform. With this SDK you can generate images with text-to-image and image-to-image with sub-second inference times. It also allows the use of an existing library of more than 150k models, including any model or LoRA from the CivitAI gallery. The API also supports upscaling, background removal, inpainting, outpainting, ControlNets, and more. Visit the Runware site for detailed feature breakdown.

Get API access

For an API Key and free trial credits, create a free account with Runware

NB: Please keep your API key private


To install and set up the library, run:

$  npm  install  @runware/sdk-js

Or if you prefer using Yarn:

$  yarn  add  @runware/sdk-js

Instantiating the SDK

Instantiating Synchronously

const runware = new Runware({ apiKey: "API_KEY" });

Instantiating Asynchronously

const runware = await Runware.initialize({ apiKey: "API_KEY" });
Parameter Type Use
url string Url to get images from (optional)
apiKey string The environment api key
shouldReconnect boolean (default = true) This handles reconnection when there is websocket inactivity
globalMaxRetries number (default = 2) The number of retries it should make before throwing an error (NB: you can specify a retry parameters for every request that overrides the global retry)
timeoutDuration number (in milliseconds) (default = 60000) The timeout span per retry before timing out


Ensure connection is established before making request

const runware = new RunwareServer({ apiKey: "API_KEY" });

await runware.ensureConnection();

Manually disconnect

const runware = new RunwareServer({ apiKey: "API_KEY" });

await runware.disconnect();


Request Image

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NB: All errors can be caught in the catch block of each request

import { Runware } from "@runware/sdk-js";

const  runware  =  new  Runware({ apiKey: "API_KEY" });
const images = await runware.requestImages({
    positivePrompt: string;
    negativePrompt?: string;
    width: number;
    height: number;
    model: string;
    numberResults?: number;
    outputType?: "URL" | "base64Data" | "dataURI";
    outputFormat?: "JPG" | "PNG" | "WEBP";
    uploadEndpoint?: string;
    checkNSFW?: boolean
    seedImage?: File | string;
    maskImage?: File | string;
    strength?: number;
    steps?: number;
    scheduler?: string;
    seed?: number;
    CFGScale?: number;
    clipSkip?: number;
    refiner?: IRefiner;
    usePromptWeighting?: number;
    controlNet?: IControlNet[];
    lora?: ILora[];
    retry?: number;
    onPartialImages?: (images: IImage[], error: IError) =>  void;

return interface ITextToImage {
    taskType: ETaskType;
    imageUUID: string;
    inputImageUUID?: string;
    taskUUID: string;
    imageURL?: string;
    imageBase64Data?: string;
    imageDataURI?: string;
    NSFWContent?: boolean;
    cost: number;
    positivePrompt?: string;
    negativePrompt?: string;
Parallel Requests (2 or more requests at the same time)
const  runware  =  new Runware({ apiKey: "API_KEY" });

const [firstImagesRequest, secondImagesRequest] = await Promise.all([
        positivePrompt: string;
        width: number;
        height: number;
        numberResults: number;
        model: string;
        negativePrompt?: string;
        onPartialImages?: (images: IImage[], error: IError) =>  void;
        positivePrompt: string;
        width: number;
        height: number;
        numberResults: number;
        model: string;
        onPartialImages?: (images: IImage[], error: IError) =>  void;

console.log({firstImagesRequest, secondImagesRequest})

return interface ITextToImage {
    taskType: ETaskType;
    imageUUID: string;
    inputImageUUID?: string;
    taskUUID: string;
    imageURL?: string;
    imageBase64Data?: string;
    imageDataURI?: string;
    NSFWContent?: boolean;
    cost: number;
    positivePrompt?: string;
    negativePrompt?: string;
Parameter Type Use
positivePrompt string Defines the positive prompt description of the image.
negativePrompt string Defines the negative prompt description of the image.
width number Controls the image width.
height number Controls the image height.
model string The AIR system ID of the image to be requested.
numberResults number: (Optional) (default = 1) (Optional) The number of images to be generated.
outputType IOutputType: (Optional) Specifies the output type in which the image is returned.
outputFormat IOutputFormat: (Optional) Specifies the format of the output image.
uploadEndpoint string: (Optional) This parameter allows you to specify a URL to which the generated image will be uploaded as binary image data using the HTTP PUT method. For example, an S3 bucket URL can be used as the upload endpoint.
checkNSFW boolean: (Optional) This parameter is used to enable or disable the NSFW check. When enabled, the API will check if the image contains NSFW (not safe for work) content. This check is done using a pre-trained model that detects adult content in images.
seedImage string or File: (Optional) When doing Image-to-Image, Inpainting or Outpainting, this parameter is required.Specifies the seed image to be used for the diffusion process.
maskImage string or File: (Optional) The image to be used as the mask image. It can be the UUID of previously generated image, or an image from a file.
strength number: (Optional) When doing Image-to-Image, Inpainting or Outpainting, this parameter is used to determine the influence of the seedImage image in the generated output. A higher value results in more influence from the original image, while a lower value allows more creative deviation.
steps number: (Optional) The number of steps is the number of iterations the model will perform to generate the image. The higher the number of steps, the more detailed the image will be.
scheduler string: (Optional) An scheduler is a component that manages the inference process. Different schedulers can be used to achieve different results like more detailed images, faster inference, or more accurate results.
seed number: (Optional) A seed is a value used to randomize the image generation. If you want to make images reproducible (generate the same image multiple times), you can use the same seed value.
CFGScale number: (Optional) Guidance scale represents how closely the images will resemble the prompt or how much freedom the AI model has. Higher values are closer to the prompt. Low values may reduce the quality of the results.
clipSkip number: (Optional) CLIP Skip is a feature that enables skipping layers of the CLIP embedding process, leading to quicker and more varied image generation.
usePromptWeighting boolean: (Optional) Allow setting different weights per words or expressions in prompts.
clipSkip number: (Optional) CLIP Skip is a feature that enables skipping layers of the CLIP embedding process, leading to quicker and more varied image generation.
lora ILora[]: (Optional) With LoRA (Low-Rank Adaptation), you can adapt a model to specific styles or features by emphasizing particular aspects of the data.
controlNet IControlNet[]: (Optional) With ControlNet, you can provide a guide image to help the model generate images that align with the desired structure.
onPartialImages function: (Optional) If you want to receive the images as they are generated instead of waiting for the async request, you get the images as they are generated from this function.
includeCost boolean (Optional) If set to true, the cost to perform the task will be included in the response object.
retry number (default = globalMaxRetries) The number of retries it should make before throwing an error.
ControlNet Params
Parameter Type Use
model string Defines the model to use for the control net.
guideImage file or string (Optional) The image requires for the guide image. It can be the UUID of previously generated image, or an image from a file.
weight number (Optional) an have values between 0 and 1 and represent the weight of the ControlNet preprocessor in the image.
startStep number (Optional) represents the moment in which the ControlNet preprocessor starts to control the inference. It can take values from 0 to the maximum number of steps in the image create request. This can also be replaced with startStepPercentage (float) which represents the same value but in percentages. It takes values from 0 to 1.
startStepPercentage number (Optional) Represents the percentage of steps in which the ControlNet model starts to control the inference process.
endStep number (Optional) similar with startStep but represents the end of the preprocessor control of the image inference. The equivalent of the percentage option is endStepPercentage (float).
endStepPercentage number (Optional) Represents the percentage of steps in which the ControlNet model ends to control the inference process.
controlMode string (Optional) This parameter has 3 options: prompt, controlnet and balanced


Request Image To Text

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const  runware  =  new Runware({ apiKey: "API_KEY" });
const imageToText = await runware.requestImageToText({
    inputImage: string | File

return interface IImageToText {
  taskType: string;
  taskUUID: string;
  text: string;
  cost?: number;
Parameter Type Use
inputImage string or File The image to be used as the seed image. It can be the UUID of previously generated image, or an image from a file.
includeCost boolean (Optional) If set to true, the cost to perform the task will be included in the response object.
retry number (default = globalMaxRetries) The number of retries it should make before throwing an error.


Remove Image Background

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const  runware  =  new Runware({ apiKey: "API_KEY" });
const image = await runware.removeImageBackground({
    inputImage: string | File
    outputType?: IOutputType;
    outputFormat?: IOutputFormat;
    rgba?: number[];
    postProcessMask?: boolean;
    returnOnlyMask?: boolean;
    alphaMatting?: boolean;
    alphaMattingForegroundThreshold?: number;
    alphaMattingBackgroundThreshold?: number;
    alphaMattingErodeSize?: number;
return interface IImage {
    taskType: ETaskType;
    taskUUID: string;
    imageUUID: string;
    inputImageUUID: string;
    imageURL?: string;
    imageBase64Data?: string;
    imageDataURI?: string;
    cost: number;
Parameter Type Use
inputImage string or File The image to be used as the seed image. It can be the UUID of previously generated image, or an image from a file.
outputType IOutputType: (Optional) Specifies the output type in which the image is returned.
outputFormat IOutputFormat: (Optional) Specifies the format of the output image.
includeCost boolean (Optional) If set to true, the cost to perform the task will be included in the response object.
rgba number[] (Optional) An array representing the [red, green, blue, alpha] values that define the color of the removed background. The alpha channel controls transparency.
postProcessMask boolean (Optional) Flag indicating whether to post-process the mask. Controls whether the mask should undergo additional post-processing.
returnOnlyMask boolean (Optional) Flag indicating whether to return only the mask. The mask is the opposite of the image background removal.
alphaMatting boolean (Optional) Flag indicating whether to use alpha matting. Alpha matting is a post-processing technique that enhances the quality of the output by refining the edges of the foreground object.
alphaMattingForegroundThreshold number (Optional) Threshold value used in alpha matting to distinguish the foreground from the background. Adjusting this parameter affects the sharpness and accuracy of the foreground object edges.
alphaMattingBackgroundThreshold number (Optional) Threshold value used in alpha matting to refine the background areas. It influences how aggressively the algorithm removes the background while preserving image details.
alphaMattingErodeSize number (Optional) Specifies the size of the erosion operation used in alpha matting. Erosion helps in smoothing the edges of the foreground object for a cleaner removal of the background.
retry number (default = globalMaxRetries) The number of retries it should make before throwing an error.


Upscale Image

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const  runware  =  new Runware({ apiKey: "API_KEY" });
const image = await runware.upscaleGan({
    inputImage: File | string;
    upscaleFactor: number;
    outputType?: IOutputType;
    outputFormat?: IOutputFormat;
    includeCost?: boolean
return interface IImage {
    taskType: ETaskType;
    imageUUID: string;
    inputImageUUID?: string;
    taskUUID: string;
    imageURL?: string;
    imageBase64Data?: string;
    imageDataURI?: string;
    NSFWContent?: boolean;
    cost: number;
Parameter Type Use
inputImage string or File The image to be used as the seed image. It can be the UUID of previously generated image, or an image from a file.
upscaleFactor number The number of times to upscale;
outputType IOutputType: (Optional) Specifies the output type in which the image is returned.
outputFormat IOutputFormat: (Optional) Specifies the format of the output image.
includeCost boolean (Optional) If set to true, the cost to perform the task will be included in the response object.
retry number (default = globalMaxRetries) The number of retries it should make before throwing an error.


Enhance Prompt

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const  runware  =  new Runware({ apiKey: "API_KEY" });
const enhancedPrompt = await runware.enhancePrompt({
    prompt: string;
    promptMaxLength?: number;
    promptVersions?: number;
    includeCost?: boolean;
return interface IEnhancedPrompt {
    taskUUID: string;
    text: string;
Parameter Type Use
prompt string The prompt that you intend to enhance.
promptMaxLength number: Optional Character count. Represents the maximum length of the prompt that you intend to receive. Can take values between 1 and 380.
promptVersions number: Optional The number of prompt versions that will be received. Can take values between 1 and 5.
includeCost boolean: Optional If set to true, the cost to perform the task will be included in the response object.
retry number (default = globalMaxRetries) The number of retries it should make before throwing an error.


ControlNet Preprocess

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const  runware  =  new Runware({ apiKey: "API_KEY" });
const controlNetPreProcessed = await runware.controlNetPreProcess({
    inputImage: string | File;
    preProcessorType: EPreProcessor;
    height?: number;
    width?: number;
    outputType?: IOutputType;
    outputFormat?: IOutputFormat;
    highThresholdCanny?: number;
    lowThresholdCanny?: number;
    includeHandsAndFaceOpenPose?: boolean;
return interface IControlNetImage {
    taskUUID: string;
    inputImageUUID: string;
    guideImageUUID: string;
    guideImageURL?: string;
    guideImageBase64Data?: string;
    guideImageDataURI?: string;
    cost: number;
Parameter Type Use
inputImage string or File Specifies the input image to be preprocessed to generate a guide image.
width number Controls the image width.
height number Controls the image height.
outputType IOutputType: (Optional) Specifies the output type in which the image is returned.
outputFormat IOutputFormat: (Optional) Specifies the format of the output image.
preProcessorType string: (Optional) Specifies the pre processor type to use.
includeCost boolean: Optional If set to true, the cost to perform the task will be included in the response object.
lowThresholdCanny number Optional Defines the lower threshold when using the Canny edge detection preprocessor.
highThresholdCanny number Optional Defines the high threshold when using the Canny edge detection preprocessor.
includeHandsAndFaceOpenPose boolean Optional Include the hands and face in the pose outline when using the OpenPose preprocessor.
retry number (default = globalMaxRetries) The number of retries it should make before throwing an error.


Model Upload

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const  runware  =  new Runware({ apiKey: "API_KEY" });

const basePayload = {
    air: string;
    name: string;
    downloadUrl: string;
    uniqueIdentifier: string;
    version: string;
    format: EModelFormat;
    architecture: EModelArchitecture;
    heroImageUrl?: string;
    tags?: string[];
    shortDescription?: string;
    comment?: string;
    private: boolean;
    customTaskUUID?: string;
    retry?: number;
    onUploadStream?: (
        response?: IAddModelResponse,
        error?: IErrorResponse
    ) => void;

const controlNetUpload = await runware.modelUpload({
    category: "controlnet";
    conditioning: EModelConditioning;

const checkpointUpload = await runware.modelUpload({
    category: "checkpoint";
    positiveTriggerWords?: string;
    defaultCFGScale?: number;
    defaultStrength: number;
    defaultSteps?: number;
    defaultScheduler?: number;
    type?: EModelType;

const loraUpload = await runware.modelUpload({
    category: "lora";
    defaultWeight: number;
    positiveTriggerWords?: string;


return interface IAddModelResponse {
  status: string;
  message: string;
  taskUUID: string;
  air: string;
  taskType: string;

export interface IErrorResponse {
  code: string;
  message: string;
  parameter: string;
  type: string;
  documentation: string;
  taskUUID: string;


Photo Maker

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const  runware  =  new Runware({ apiKey: "API_KEY" });

const photoMaker = await runware.modelUpload({
    positivePrompt: string;
    height: number;
    width: number;
    numberResults: number;
    steps?: number;
    inputImages: string[];
    style: EPhotoMakerEnum;
    strength?: number;
    outputFormat?: string;
    includeCost?: boolean;

    customTaskUUID?: string;
    retry?: number;
    onPartialImages?: (images: IImage[], error?: IError) => void

export interface IImage {
    taskType: ETaskType;
    imageUUID: string;
    inputImageUUID?: string;
    taskUUID: string;
    imageURL?: string;
    imageBase64Data?: string;
    imageDataURI?: string;
    NSFWContent?: boolean;
    cost?: number;
    seed?: number;





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API Docs