Rutherther / NosSmooth

Nostale bot library written in C#. May describe the current state of the game/character from packets. Multiple sources available for capturing the packets from running game.
MIT License
6 stars 3 forks source link

Provide mutlple providers for NosSmooth.Game data #36

Closed Rutherther closed 1 year ago

Rutherther commented 1 year ago

Data for NosSmooth.Game may currently be provided from packets only. It would be nice to add a possibility to add game data from local bindings or from anything else.

That will mean making Game expose more things publicly instead of internally and will need more checking to make sure nothing that shouldn't be done is not done.

NosSmooth.Game.PacketsProvider will be provided. In Local repository NosSmooth.Game.BindingsProvider may be created in the future.

Rutherther commented 1 year ago

I won't do this any time soon.