Rutherther / NosSmooth

Nostale bot library written in C#. May describe the current state of the game/character from packets. Multiple sources available for capturing the packets from running game.
MIT License
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Work in progress

This library is work in progress, currently only some parts are finished, see issue #19 to track the progress. This README may contain some information that aren't done yet. I've tried to make these parts crossed out. I've included them so it's clear what this library is for.


A multi-platform library with an interface for NosTale packets, data, game state and such. Can be used for local (injected) as well as remote (clientless) bots. The library is splitted into multiple assemblies to allow for using only specific features. Bots that can be both locally and remotely can be implemented that way using the same code base.

For local-specific libraries see NosSmooth.Local.

How to use

All of the packages are on NuGet. Search for NosSmooth. There is not a full documentation, but there are some samples and the library methods and objects are documented. You can find the samples in Samples folder in this repository, NosSmooth.Local repository ~~and NosSmooth.Remote repository.~~

Projects that use NosSmooth



NosTale data can be retrieved either using .NOS files or a sqlite3 database. The database can be created by starting NosSmooth.Data.CLI with arguments migrate {NostaleDataDirectoryPath}. Currently only translations and data about skills, items and monsters are stored. The migration will migrate all languages NosTale supports.

See the sample DataBrowser for more details about the usage.


NosTale packets are located inside of NosSmooth.Packets. Serializers and deserializers are generated using source generators. The source generator is located in NosSmooth.PacketSerializersGenerator.

Serializing the packets may be done using NosSmooth.PacketSerializer.

Core (Low level)

The core contains abstractions for the NosTale client, packets and commands. You can register your packet responders (IPacketResponder) that will be called by the client when there is a new packet of the given type.

If there is an unknown packet, UnresolvedPacket will be created and can be handled by the user. If there is other parsing error, ParsingFailedPacket will be created and can be handled.

Game state (High level)

The game state is built using the core, it stores useful information about the state such as the current map, entities, information about the current character, mates, skills, family, group. The game project also has custom events that contain more information than packets would. In some cases, there would be no gain in information, for these packets there is no event and a packet responder should be registered instead. It uses NosTale data for a few features, so setting up the data provider is required. If no provider is found, an exception will be thrown as ILanguageService and IInfoService will not be found.



Attacks entities, players using techniques that execute operations. See SimpleAttackTechnique for example on how to make a technique. Simple technique just attacks one target by walking to it and using skills from a skill selector.


Finds paths on NosTale maps using A* algorithm. May take (walk) the given path, using WalkCommand in the process.

Will support walking through more maps in the future.


The library uses commands for features that may be implemented differently on local and remote bots. For examples, walking on local client is done calling the walk function on the client, whereas on the remote client just packets have to be sent directly.