RyanCallahan312 / Go-Data-Analysis

Project 1 For Dr. Santore's COMP490-003 (Tuesday/Thursday) Class
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Created By Ryan Callahan


This project assumes that Go 1.15 or later and PostgreSQL 13.0 or later and make are already installed. This project also assumes that you are using some kind of bash-like terminal (this is built into macOS and most linux distros). If they are not installed you should do that first following these guides:

To install dependencies without using $GOROOT, in the top level directory, run:

go mod vendor

To install dependencies to $GOROOT, in the top level directory, run:

go mod tidy

To create the PostgreSQL user that will create the db, in the top level directory, run:

sh ./db_scripts/CREATE_INITIAL_USER.sh

Configure Enviorment variables

To hit the api you must create a file named .env with your api key. An example of this file can be found in the example.env file. It will look like this:

MAINTENANCE_CONNECTION_STRING=port=<Postgres Port Number> host=<Host IP> user=root password=toor<default user created by scripts, you may want to change this> dbname=posgres sslmode=disable
WORKING_CONNECTION_STRING=port=<Postgres Port Number> host=<Host IP> user=root password=toor<default user created by scripts, you may want to change this> dbname=<same as is specified in the DATABASE_NAME variable> sslmode=disable
TEST_CONNECTION_STRING=<same as WORKING_CONNECTION_STRING except the database field should be DATABASE_NAME with 'test' added to the end> sslmode=disable
DATABASE_NAME=<whatever db name you want, make sure this aligns with your connection strings>

Make sure dbname in your connection strings is as specified in the example above

Build and Run

make run


To unit test, in the top level directory run:

make test

To gui test, see test plan document located at ./guiTestPlan/TestPlan.xlsx