ros based package for stereo feature extraction and matching with the opencv_tegra libraries
vidDebug must still be integrated into the cmake build, but it contains recording binaries that dont drop frames when recording to USB
--motion Simulation related binaries
rosrun front_end extractPCL
"--speeds",default="Slow,Medium,Fast",type=str "--motionType",default="straight",type=str "--extractMethods",default="PCL",type=str "--ideal",default=True,type=bool "--outlier",default=True,type=bool "--gaussian",default=True,type=bool
currently has a hard coded file directory in which to search for simulated motion files
args = FAST threshold, Detector setpoint rosservice call stereo/control/detection 15 5000
roslaunch front_end recordStereo.xml prefixName:=3000 descriptor:=SURF_EXTENDED platformName:=i7