RyanMacMillanSoftware / photon_web_app

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Photon Web App

Developer: Ryan MacMillan Contact: rmac460@aucklanduni.ac.nz || ryanmacmillan1996@gmail.com A time punching system to record staff movements in a lab and to track the usage of equipment.


Ruby on Rails and PostgresSQL must be installed on the system.

To run (on linux):

1 Download and unzip the latest release 2 Open a terminal in the parent folder of the directory 3 Install the Gems

bundle install

4 Set up the development database

rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=DEVELOPMENT
rails db:fixtures:load

5 Launch the local development server

rails server

6 Open a browser and navigate to your local host

Creating your first user

Modifications to the database can be made in the rails console

rails console

You will need a user to log in to the software. I recommend giving your first user permission to access both the "microfab" and "fabrication" parts of the web app.

 user = User.new(name: "Admin", email: "a@a.com", password: "rrrrrr", password_confirmation: "rrrrrr", activated: true, microfab: true, fabrication: true)

Also, create an admin (admins have access to the entire site by default)

 admin = User.new(name: "Admin", email: "a@a.com", password: "rrrrrr", password_confirmation: "rrrrrr", activated: true, admin: true)

You can edit a user by using the update_attributes command

admin = User.find_by(email: "a@a.com")
admin.update_attributes(name: "NoLongerAdmin", admin: false)

Exit the console
