RyanMilb / boltathon

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Lightning Credentials

A prototype extension to the blockstack Decentralised IDentity (DID) document using the lightning network. A did:stack document that can be used to verify identity based on a countersigned by a third party issuer.

Project goal:

Social experience / goal to allow oauth type authentication without accessing third party systems that may be used to track online usage.

Will allow decentralised storage of credentials (with owners) to mitigate mass identity theft.

Provide an alternative to existing revokation methods where data is stored on-chain in transaction data fields, enhancing privacy and efficiency.


This method piggybacks on top of the requirement to create channels for routing payments and so provides value for money as acheiving 2 functions (creating a channel and storing state) with a single transaction.

The channel can still be used for making and recieving payments whilst it is open, all the time providing proof that the DID document is valid.

This revokation method can be bootstrapped to any DID schema, for this example we have used Blockstack DID.

Use cases:

Use cases in this example are specific to revokation as that utilises the lightning network, existing methods can be used for persistent DID Documents.

  1. Subscription membership: open ended contracts that rely on monthly payments can be managed by creating a membership identity that can be used to gain access to club facilities. Once payments stop then the Identity can be revoked.

  2. Professional credentials: Professionals who are required to meet quotas on flying time, training, etc, can provided credentials by a governing body which can be revoked. Drivers licenses that can be revoked.

  3. Third party support: If you're a member of a support and require access to customer systems the the DID can be issued by your employer and verified by the customer cryptographically. (The employer pubkey will be listed in the customers trusted keystore).


Sample Decentralised IDentifier (DID)


The DID subject is comprised of:

We would like to have used the blockstack DID spec for this but would need to share the private key between blockstack and lnd which isn't possible at the moment.

A Simple DID document object (DDO)

This has been based on extending the existing blockstack.id standard

// this section is extracted from the blockstack api call /////////////////////////////////////////////
// https://core.blockstack.org/v1/dids/did:stack:v1:12ZSnaEQMFT33itUonYTbkgYQ9AGwbe73c-0
// where the did is formed from the blockstack id
// in the zonefile section of https://registrar.blockstack.org/v1/names/runcrypto.id.blockstack

  "@context": "https://w3id.org/did/v1",
  "id": "did:stack:v1:12ZSnaEQMFT33itUonYTbkgYQ9AGwbe73c-0",

   "publicKey": [
                "id": "did:stack:v1:12ZSnaEQMFT33itUonYTbkgYQ9AGwbe73c-0#keys-1",
                //this is the blockstack public key
                "publicKeyHex": "022af593b4449b37899b34244448726aa30e9de13c518f6184a29df40823d82840",
                "type": "secp256k1"

// these keys have been added and relate to the boltathon project ////////////////////////////////////


                //this is the lnd public key used for signing messages
                "id": "did:stack:v1:12ZSnaEQMFT33itUonYTbkgYQ9AGwbe73c-0#keys-2",
                "publicKeyHex": "03319c0de22d1e9f2b29259bbb65a92038f474e5d5af58856d47fc71fd89c7ed1c",
                "type": "secp256k1"
                //this is the c-lightning public key used for creating the channel
                "id": "did:stack:v1:12ZSnaEQMFT33itUonYTbkgYQ9AGwbe73c-0#keys-3",
                "publicKeyHex": "022af593b4449b37899b34244448726aa30e9de13c518f6184a29df40823d82840",
                "type": "secp256k1"
                //this is added by the issuer of the credential
                "id": "lightning_club_did_that_we_dont_have#keys-1",
                "publicKeyHex": "031abec42b0df2b5e1044cf55a9294d786ba581ccc1b751af9a7ea63c1a89cf654",
                "type": "secp256k1"



  // We also add the authentication section to tell us which of the public keys to use to verify identity in 
  // verify the owner of the credential section of the walkthrough

  "authentication": [

  // Adding the channelId here as it seems like the only plausable place for it to go

  "service": [{
    "id": "did:stack:v1:12ZSnaEQMFT33itUonYTbkgYQ9AGwbe73c-0;channelId",
    "type": "LightningNetworkChannel.0Service",
    "shortChannelId": "1487922x68x1",
    "serviceEndpoint": "https://1ml.com/"

  // This section is added by the credential issuer after the owner has supplied it to them for signing
  "proof": {
    "type": "LinkedDataSignature2015",
    "created": "2019-04-05T09:02:20Z",
    //should really have another did here of the signer
    "creator": "lightning_club_did_that_we_dont_have#keys-1",
    "signatureValue": "<document signature goes here>"



  1. owner generates credential from form / retrieves them from blockstack API
  2. owner opens channel with issuer
  3. owner adds output from funding tx to credential (the htlc utxo)
  4. owner provides issuer with credential


  1. issuer (performs KYC) and signs the credential
  2. issuer provides owner with signed credential


  1. verifying node gets the DID document from provider

    verify the owner of the credential

  2. verifying node challenges provider of document to prove they are the subject (id) in the document : "987638276 sign this message"
  3. provider signs challenge using lnd signmessage
  4. verifying node checks challenge response using lnd verifymessage

    verify the contents of the credential

  5. verifying node checks document 'proof' attribute using lnd verifymessage

    verify the revokable status of the credential

  6. verifying node checks that the UTXO has not been spent

Further Enhancements

As we are embeding details of lightning endpoints we could take this further and charge a verifier for adding friction to transactions. The verifier would request proof and if a valid proof was provided then the owner would be compensated for the transaction friction. This is important with the banking sector adding more fiction to payments (SCA) to try and combat fraud.



getCredential - Accepts an unverified credential, confirms that 'id' supplied by the provider currently has a channel open with the issuer. Located in boltathon/issuerServer.js Test api with this, requires credential in json file.

curl -vX POST -d @tempExampleTemplate.json --header "Content-Type: application/json"


getSignature - Accepts a string and returns a JSON object consisting of the original message, type of signature, public key of the signer and signature Test api with this, requires credential in json file.

curl -vX POST -d "1441a7909c087dbbe7ce59881b9df8b9" --header "Content-Type: application/json"

test json

  "@context": "https://w3id.org/did/v1",
  "id": "did:stack:v1:12ZSnaEQMFT33itUonYTbkgYQ9AGwbe73c-0",
   "publicKey": [
                "id": "did:stack:v1:12ZSnaEQMFT33itUonYTbkgYQ9AGwbe73c-0#keys-1",
                "publicKeyHex": "022af593b4449b37899b34244448726aa30e9de13c518f6184a29df40823d82840",
                "type": "secp256k1"
                "id": "did:stack:v1:12ZSnaEQMFT33itUonYTbkgYQ9AGwbe73c-0#keys-2",
                "publicKeyHex": "03319c0de22d1e9f2b29259bbb65a92038f474e5d5af58856d47fc71fd89c7ed1c",
                "type": "secp256k1"
                "id": "did:stack:v1:12ZSnaEQMFT33itUonYTbkgYQ9AGwbe73c-0#keys-3",
                "publicKeyHex": "022af593b4449b37899b34244448726aa30e9de13c518f6184a29df40823d82840",
                "type": "secp256k1"
                "id": "lightning_club_did_that_we_dont_have#keys-1",
                "publicKeyHex": "031abec42b0df2b5e1044cf55a9294d786ba581ccc1b751af9a7ea63c1a89cf654",
                "type": "secp256k1"
  "authentication": [

                "id" : "lightning_club_did_that_we_dont_have#keys-1",
                "type": "secp256k1",
        "controller" : "lightning_club_did_that_we_dont_have",
                "publicKeyHex": "031abec42b0df2b5e1044cf55a9294d786ba581ccc1b751af9a7ea63c1a89cf654"
"service": [{
    "id": "did:stack:v1:12ZSnaEQMFT33itUonYTbkgYQ9AGwbe73c-0;channelId",
    "type": "LightningNetworkChannel.0Service",
    "shortChannelId": "1487922x68x1",
    "serviceEndpoint": "https://1ml.com/"