Documentation and source code for SAEON's Sustainable Ocean modelling Initiative (SOMISANA)
While this code continues to be deployed on SAEON's infrastructure operationally, development is fairly stagnant due to a complete re-design of how the models are implemented. The operational workflow for running CROCO been superseded by the new somisana-croco repo, while the operational workflow for running OpenDrift has been superseded by the new somisana-opendrift repo. These new repos are currently operational on dedicated insfrastructure as part of DFFE's Marine Information Management System (MIMS). The new repos only run the models - nothing website related - so we will need to move the web-related code to a separate web-centric repo, which looks for the latest model outputs on MIMS. Just as soon as we can get a web designer to do this!
Please install Node.js, then in the root of the repo, run the following commands to configure global settings (such as git pre-commit hooks):
npm install -g chomp
chomp init
Look in the chompfile.toml
file to see available scripts, and feel free to add your own! The pre-commit hook is defined in .husky/pre-commit. This is just a shell script and can easily be extended.
The following infrastructure is required:
The web application components (databases, and apps) are all deployed to a containerization platform. Currently this is Docker Swarm, but in the future will be some managed K8s installation (for example, maybe Rancher). The goal is to support multiple container formats - for example Docker, and Singularly.
An application server
MongoDB database server
PostgreSQL database server
NOTE: There is still some uncertainty here depending on where various components are hosted. For example, if THREDDS or the website is hosted on SAEON infrastructure rather than on MIMS infrastructure, that effects these requirements. Also, on the SAEON infrastructure, similar resources are spread between 5 web applications (and the same resources can support a lot more web applications). These requirements for simply hosting are costly, but this is cost effective when the same infrastructure is shared.
This server runs GitHub Actions pipelines on a self-hosted actions runner - it executes models. This configuration currently supports executing 2 models in serial. To execute 2 models in parallel, increase the number of CPUs to tha required for the 2 largest models, plus 1. Storage on this server is allocated for temporary storage (currently 7 days) of all model/product files/data. This allows for any archiving steps to fail up to 7 days in a row before data is lost
Most storage requirements are in the form of SAMBA mounts that can be mounted to multiple locations
Contribution history can be accessed via interrogating the Git index. Here is a useful command for that:
git log --pretty=format:"%h%x09%an%x09%ad%x09%s"