SAGUARO-MMA / saguaro_tom

A Target and Observation Manager for SAGUARO
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Welcome to the SAGUARO target and observation manager for GW follow-up.

Repositories of Interest:

Installation (for development)

  1. Clone the repository:

    % cd /var/www
    % git clone
  2. Copy to and edit as you see fit:

    % cd /var/www/saguaro_tom/saguaro_tom
    % cp
    % vi
    1. Install dependencies:
    % python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
    % python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
    1. Run the development server:
    % cd /var/www/saguaro_tom
    % python3 collectstatic # only the first time you start the development server
    % python3 runserver

Enabling WSGI under Apache2

Enable WSGI within Apache2 in the usual way (there are plenty of web tutorials on this).

Edit saguaro_tom.conf and saguaro_tom-ssl.conf as you see fit to reflect your source code directory and security certificates. You should probably rename 'localhost' to something more suitable. If you do, you will also need to add that name to /etc/hosts and set ALLOWED_HOST in If you are hosting from a subdomain, you must also set FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME in

Then (as root) enable the sites:

    % cd /var/www/saguaro_tom
    % cp saguaro_tom.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/
    % cp saguaro_tom-ssl.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/
    % cd /etc/apache2/sites-available/
    % apache2ctl configtest
    % a2ensite saguaro_tom.conf
    % a2ensite saguaro_tom-ssl.conf
    % service apache2 restart

Running the alert listener

The alert listener is now integrated into the TOM. It should automatically restart when sand restarts, thanks to this cronjob (run as root):

@reboot cd /var/www/saguaro_tom/; python readstreams > /home/saguaro/alertstreams.log 2>&1

If it does not restart, or you need to restart the listener manually, run the following on sand. First, kill any other instances are running:

sudo pkill -f readstreams

Then run

cd /var/www/saguaro_tom/
sudo nohup python readstreams > /home/saguaro/alertstreams.log 2>&1 &

Allowing for asynchronous tasks

We use redis and dramatiq to run asynchronous tasks (e.g., ATLAS forced photometry queries). Redis is installed according to the instructions on its readme. Dramatiq is configured according to the TOM Toolkit documentation. These should automatically restart when sand restarts, thanks to this cronjob (run as root):

@reboot /usr/local/bin/redis-server > /home/saguaro/redis.log 2>&1
@reboot cd /var/www/saguaro_tom/; python rundramatiq > /home/saguaro/dramatiq.log 2>&1

If either of these does not restart, or you need to restart them manually, run the following on sand. First, kill any other instances are running:

sudo pkill -f redis-server
sudo pkill -f rundramatiq

Then run

sudo nohup redis-server > /home/saguaro/redis.log 2>&1
cd /var/www/saguaro_tom/
sudo nohup python rundramatiq > /home/saguaro/dramatiq.log 2>&1

Other periodic tasks

Several other tasks run every hour as cronjobs (as root):

0 * * * * /var/www/saguaro_tom/ report_pointings > /home/saguaro/report_pointings.log 2>&1
0 * * * * /var/www/saguaro_tom/ updatestatus > /home/saguaro/observation_status.log 2>&1
0 * * * * /var/www/saguaro_tom/ verify_listener > /home/saguaro/verify_listener.log 2>&1
10 * * * * /var/www/saguaro_tom/ ingest_tns > /home/saguaro/ingest_tns.log 2>&1

Respectively, these: