SAITPublic / PIMLibrary

PIM Runtime Library and Tools
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PIM Runtime library and tools to execute computations on PIM hardware.
Platforms supported : HIP, OpenCL

Setup Contribution Environment

Docker env

All Prerequisites for PIMLibrary build and testing are installed in docker image.

cd PIMLibrary/docker

Please update Dockerfiles to suit your environment before building images.

<build docker images>
./ Dockerfile.ROCm-4.0.SAIT.GPU
./ Dockerfile.Nvidia

<create docker containers>
./ <image-name> <directory>
./ <image-name> <directory>

image name : docker image to be used (pim-rocm4.0:tf2.3-dev)
directory  : (optional) Directory to be mapped inside container. default your home directory is mapped

How to build

Using Script

using script.

./scripts/ <build> <options>
all : uninstall, cmake, make, install
uninstall : removes all PIMLibrary so and binaries from rocm path
cmake : Does cmake
make : build PIMLibrary
install : installs to rocm path

-o <relative path> : Relative path from current directory where build folder is created
-d --debug  [optional] : if mentioned, Debug mode will be enabled.
-t --target [optional] TARGET : represent which target hardware PIMLibrary is built for. {default : AMD device as target device}
supported targets : AMD and NVIDIA.  
-e --emulator [optional]: enables the execution in emulator mode (where the computation for PIM are imitated using a simulator) for functionality check and debugging.  

if build is in PIMLibrary directory, to build from scratch using the script, below command can be used:

TARGET mode (AMD as target)

export BUILD_TOOLS_PATH=/opt/rocm-4.0.0/
export OPENCL_PATH=/opt/rocm-4.0.0/opencl
./scripts/ all -o . -t amd

Emulator mode (AMD as target)

export BUILD_TOOLS_PATH=/opt/rocm-4.0.0/
export OPENCL_PATH=/opt/rocm-4.0.0/opencl
./scripts/ all -o . -t amd -e

TARGET mode (NVIDIA as target)

export PIM_PATH=/usr/
export BUILD_TOOLS_PATH=/usr/
export OPENCL_PATH=/usr/
./scripts/ all -o . -t nvidia

Emulator mode (NVIDIA as target)

export PIM_PATH=/usr/
export BUILD_TOOLS_PATH=/usr/
export OPENCL_PATH=/usr/
./scripts/ all -o . -t nvidia -e

Using Commands

defaults :

mkdir build
cd build
<build Type> : Release, Debug
<option>     : ON, OFF
make -j8
sudo make install


DLOG Generation

For generating debug logs,

  1. Set log level
    export PIM_LOG_LEVEL=<severity> 
    0 : INFO
    1 : WARNING
    2 : ERROR
  2. Compile PIMLibrary in Debug mode. (cmake, build and install required) : use all and -d option in build script
  3. Execute application. Debug logs will be dumped in /tmp/ directory with date and time as filename.


How to run PimIntegrationTests

Run all Tests





### Run Single Test
- List all available Tests
append --gtest_list_tests to the execute command.  
``./build/examples/integration_test/<executable-binary> --gtest_list_tests``  

 - Run the Test  
append --gtest_filter flag to execute command.  
`` ./build/examples/integration_test/<executable-binary> --gtest_filter=<Test from List>``

-executable-binary : PimIntegrationTests (HIP) / OpenCLPimIntegrationTests (OpenCL)

# NOTE  
- to generate traces (dump of all instructions PIM HW is supposed to run in order) of the kernel execution , run the test in emulator mode (-e) with debugging flag (-d) enabled.
- the traces will be generated in test_vectors/dump/operation_name folder with 2 .dat files :   
  - fmtd16.dat (traces before coleascing of threads)  
  - fmtd32.dat (traces after coleascing of threads)  
 format of trace: ``index , block_id , thread_id , command , address``

# Profiling of PIM Library
## PIM Library profiler
Profiler has been developed for Profiling PIM Library

### Pre requisites
1. PIMLibrary in debug mode
   PIM Library needs to be built in debug mode for generating debug logs for profiling. Logs will be generated in /tmp/ folder

### Profiler Usage
Fo more details about usage, refer [Profiler](PIMLibrary/tools/profiler/

# Documentation
## How to generate Doxygen documentation
### Prerquisites
doxygen and graphviz packages need to be installed.

sudo apt-get install doxygen sudo apt-get install graphviz

### Documentation Generation
`doxygen Doxyfile`

Documentation will be generated in Doc/Doxygen folder