SANELulu / Movie_Profile_App

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My Movie DataBase

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Name:Fidel Bello, Lucas Diaz, Robert Vanscoy, Francisco Ortega, Mike Gordillo

GitHub user name: Movie_Profile_App

User Story:

As a User, I'd like to create a profile with a login. As a User, once I've created a profile I have access to a movies API that will allow me to search for movies of my interest. I would also like for the app, to give me suggestions as to what to watch based on my genreof choice. As I add movies, my profile will be updated. I can also add to a favorite movie list.

Acceptance Criteria:

When wanting to organize your favorite movies list, look up a trailer of your favorite movie, or one you haven't yet seen, the app will provide an easy experience for the user by helping them store their picks in a database, that will later be retreived when logged in and display in the user's profile.

A movie fanatatic that wants to organize their favorite movie list, or perhaps would like to create a "to watch in the future list" can create a profile, in which their favorite movies picks will be stored. Fans can also watch trailers and save their choices.

Search for movies, watch trailers and store your genre pick on your profile.

When the user is logged in, the app will retrieve the individual user's data.

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