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HANA Cloud Platform portal service accelerator for SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer Partner Channel Management
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Welcome to SAP Cloud Platform, Portal Service - Partner Channel Management Configuration Guide

The SAP Cloud Platform, portal service for Partner Channel Management configuration guide provides all you need to deploy a PCM solution on your SCP account and connect it to your SAP Cloud for Customer (C4C) tenant and SAP Cloud Identity (SCI) tenant.

PCM solution configuration video is now published on the portals YouTube channel -

How to Deploy the Partner Channel Management Solution

This guide will show you how to download the partner channel management solution from the SAP SCP, portal service GitHub repository and deploy it to your account.

The Partner Channel Management solution includes several components:

1. Prerequisites

2. Configure Your Account

2.1 Deploy PCM artifacts

  1. Navigate to

  2. Prepare content for deployment. There are two options:
    a. Download ZIP files from the Releases folder.
    b. Clone and Create a Zip file:

    1. Clone the repository to your computer, or download it as a ZIP file by clicking the Clone or download button and selecting Download ZIP, and extract its contents.
    2. Archive every folder content to ZIP files (pcmapps, pcmcpapps, pcmsitetemplate).
  3. Import the following ZIP files to your SCP account:

    • (Business applications)
    • (Invitation application)
    • (Site template).

    You can import the files to SAP Web IDE and then deploy them to SCP, or you can directly deploy them to SCP through the SCP cockpit (Applications >>HTML5 Applications >> Import from File.
    If the applications were deployed through SCP cockpit, they should be activated by clicking the link in the app's name, clicking on 'Versioning' in the left menu, 'Versions' under History section, and then on the activation icon in the 'Actions' column.

  4. (Optional, if you imported the pcm applications via SAP Web IDE) Preview your site template in SAP WEB-IDE: a. Open SAP Web IDE and right click on the 'pcmsitetemplates project'.
    b. Choose Run -> Run as -> Preview Site Template.

2.2 Create PCM roles

  1. Open the SAP SCP account cockpit and navigate to Services >> Portal Service >> Configure Portal Service >> Roles.
  2. Create the following new roles:
    • PartnerManager
    • PartnerContact
    • Applicant
    • Candidate

2.3 Create an email template in SCI

The email template for the PCM invitation flow includes a SAP logo as well as pre-defined text. You may update the email template used by the SCI to send invitations to users according to your needs.

  1. Download SAPID Mail from
  2. Adjust the template according to your needs.
  3. Add the template to the SCI IDP account. For more details:
  4. Define the uploaded mail template to your application. For more details:

2.3.1 Set up Privacy policy in SCI

To adhere to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), after an invitee has accepted the mail invitation (by pressing the account activation button), as part of the activation process users should read a privacy policy document and consent to it. For this purpose you as the Partner Manager should configure the privacy policy document in SCI as follows:

  1. Create a privacy policy document and add it to SCI. For more details:
  2. Define the privacy policy for your application. For more details:

Please note that if you have defined a new privacy policy document for your application, all users that have already consented to the old privacy policy will now have to consent to the new updated policy on login to the application.

2.4 Set up a trust between the customer account and SCI (for log-on scenario)

Note! If the trust was done as part of the onboarding guide, the below step should be skipped.

2.4.1 Customer SCP Account Settings
  1. Open the customer SCP account cockpit, click on 'Security' and navigate to the Trust screen.

  2. Edit the 'Local Service Provider' and change the Configuration Type to Custom.

  3. Click the Generate Key Pair button to populate the Signing Key and Signing Certificate if they do not appear.

  4. Change the 'Principle Propagation' value to 'Enabled'.

  5. Save the settings and download the metadata by clicking on 'Get Metadata' link. metadata

  6. Go to the 'Trusted Identity Provider' tab and click the Add Trusted Identity Provider link.

  7. Browse and upload the IDP metadata file.

    TIP: You can get the IDP (SCI) metadata file by navigating to: https://<your SCI account name>.<accounts>

    Open the above URL in Chrome and copy the entire text starting from <ns3… until the end. Then, paste it to a text file and save.

  8. In the General tab, change the User ID Source to attribute, and then in the Source Value field, put mail.

  9. In the Attributes tab, click Add Assertion-Based Attribute to add the following attributes mapping (after adding one pair, click the link again to add more input fields):

    Assertion Attribute Principle Attribute
    first_name firstname
    last_name lastname
    mail email
  10. Save and close.

2.4.2 SCI IDP Settings:
  1. Open the admin page of your SCI IDP account. For example:
  2. Click Applications.
  3. Add a new application and add the customer's name as the application name.
  4. Open 'SAML 2.0 Configuration' section for your application and upload the customer's SCP account Service Provider metadata, which you downloaded already in section 2.5.1 step 5.
  5. Save and close.

    In Cloud Platform, portal, under Roles, assign the user to the TENANT_ADMIN role. You should now be able to log on to the portal service’s Admin Space with the user ID (email) that was assigned to it when the customer account was provisioned to the portal service. If the user cannot log in, make sure that the user was added to the SCI account (go to the SCI admin page and create the user via the User Management page or upload the user with his/her full details in a CSV file format. To see the required details, you can export a user to a CSV file and edit the file).

2.5 Set up trust between the customer account and SCI API (for SAP ID invitation flow)

  1. Open the admin page of your SCI IDP account.
  2. Click Applications.
  3. Choose your application (created in step 3 in section 2.4.2)
  4. Go to 'HTTP Basic Authentication' under 'API Authentication' section
  5. Enter a password and confirm it (save it for future use)
  6. Click on 'Save' button
  7. Enter the page and copy the user ID that was generated by SCI (save it as well for future use)

2.6 Set up trust between the customer account and SAP C4C backend (for C4C invitation flow)

Note! If the trust was done as part of the onboarding guide, the below step should be skipped.

  1. Log in to C4C backend with an Admin work center authorization. c4cadmin

  2. Under the Administrator section, go to Common Tasks and click on Configure OAuth 2.0 Identity Provider.

  3. Create a new OAuth 2.0 Identity Provider.
    You will see the following screen:

  4. In a new browser, open the customer SCP account trust setting and fill out the required details:

  5. Back in the Administrator section, click on OAUTH2.0 CLIENT REGISTRATION

  6. Create a new OAuth Client Registration as follows:

    • Copy the 'Client ID' value to a Notepad. This value will later be used in the C4C destination.
    • In 'Client Secret' add a password (remember it for future use)
    • Description is optional. You can write the password for reference.
    • In 'Issuer name' select the OAuth provider you created
    • Select the 'UIWC:CC_HOME' scope ID that appears in the Scope table

2.7 Upload destinations to customer SCP account

The destination file is created in your SCP account by opening the account's cockpit in the destination page and clicking on the "New Destination" button: https://account.[datacenter][account's name]/destinations
The values in the destination fields are case sensitive, so please make sure to create the destinations based on the instructions below.

2.7.1 SAPID Destination

Destination used for the invitation flow with SCI.

2.7.2 C4C Destination

oAuth C4C destination (used for connecting to the SAP C4C backend during partner flow) with the parameters in the next section.

2.7.3 C4C__Public Destination

Public C4C destination (used for connecting to the C4C backend during a guest registration scenario) with the parameters in the next section.

2.8 Configure SAP C4C Backend

2.8.1 Purpose

This section describes how to create a Callback from the CRM that is used in the PCM scenario, to the Portal Service account.

The configuration is mandatory for enabling the entire self-registration scenario, including the transition between roles: Applicant -> Candidate -> Partner Manager.

Note that the Callback is configured on the CRM per SCP system, which means that only one SCP account can be configured.

2.8.2 Instructions
  1. Enter the C4C PCM CRM, for example:, as an administrator.
  2. Click the Administration tab and choose General Settings.
  3. Click on Communication Systems under the 'Integration' section.
  4. Create a new system with the following details:
    1. ID = PCM_PORTAL
    2. Host Name = [portal java application's name: cloudnwcportal or cloudsandboxportal]-[SCP account name].[data center, E.g. eu1, us1], E.g.
    3. System Access Type = Internet
  5. Save the settings.
  6. Set Actions to Active.
  7. Click on Communication Arrangement.
  8. Click on New, and then do the following:
    1. Select Scenario: Choose the Channel Partner Registration Portal Callback option and click Next.
    2. Define Business Data: Choose the communication system you created in step 4, and click Next.
    3. Define Technical Data:
      1. Communication Method = Direct Connection.
      2. Application Protocol = Http.
      3. Authentication Method = User ID and Password.
      4. Click the Edit Credentials button and set the details (email address) of the TENANT_ADMIN user you have on SCP for the User ID (the user can be found in SCP - Services - Portal Service - Configure Portal Service - Roles). Please note that if, for some reason, the TENANT_ADMIN user is locked, the callback will fail.
    4. Review: Review and verify the accuracy of the data you filled in, then click on Finish and then Confirm
  9. In the Communication Arrangement, click the entry of the new arrangement, then click Edit.
  10. Switch to the Technical Data tab.
  11. Click the Edit Advanced Settings button.
  12. Make sure that the port is 443 and in the Path field add: portal/v1/services/invitations/continue_flow/
  13. Click Save.

3. Create & Configure the PCM Site

  1. In the SCP cockpit, go to Services – Portal Service, and from there click on Go to Service. This opens the Site Directory of your portal service.
  2. Go to 'Site Directory' from the left menu and click on “+” to create a new site. Select the Partner Portal site template and click Create.
  3. (Optional) Set site alias:
    • Go to site settings.
    • Click Edit and set site alias.
    • Click Save.
  4. Data Retention Policy: The personal contact details of all invitees who ignore the invitation, or do not accept the privacy terms in the registration form, will be deleted from the contacts table after the number of retention days that are specified in the site’s settings.

    How to specify the number of retention days?

    • Go to Site Settings.
    • Click Edit.
    • Under Custom Site Properties, set the key "data_retention_days" with an integer value that represents the number of days.
    • Click Save.

Note: If the number of retention days is not specified, all personal contact details of pending invitees will be deleted after 90 days (default).

  1. Publish the site by clicking on the Publish button in the site header. This makes the site available for all users.
  2. The URL of the published site will be used later on for the registration of new applicants and future actions.
  3. There are two URLs related to your site:
    I. Public URL to start the registration flow: https://flpnwc-[account name].dispatcher.[data center][site alias]#Home-show II. Authenticated URL. Data from C4C is available for Partner Managers: https://flpnwc-[account name].dispatcher.[data center][site alias]?hc_login#Shell-home

Note: Please do not assign users directly to Partner Manager role in SCP . The assignment to this role is done automatically by the callback batch job in C4C, which runs every night in the background, after the user's application form is approved.


Question More Information
How do I change the company logo or background of the support site? 1. Go to the Home page.
2. On the left, click services to open Services and Tools.
3. In the UI Theme Designer, click Configure.
4. In order to change a logo, create a new theme as follows:
  • a. Click Create a New Theme.
  • b. Follow the steps of the wizard and click Create Theme.
  • c. On the right of the screen, select edit (quick editing mode) and upload the company logo.
  • d. From the Theme tab at the top left, select Export to create a zip file containing the new theme you created with the logo. For more information, see Exporting Themes.
5. Now go to the Theme Manager (also in Services and Tools) and click Configure.
6. Browse for and upload the zip file with the updated theme that includes your logo.
7. Click Assign to Site.

4. SAP C4C Documentation


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