SAP-archive / spring-cloud-sap

Spring Cloud Connectors for SAP HANA Cloud Platform (HCP) and SAP HANA DB platform
39 stars 17 forks source link

Important Notice

SAP has decided to stop the maintenance of this open source project and hence it'll soon be sunsetted and archived.

Going forward, please look at SAP Cloud Platform Appliation Programming Model as the recommended approach to develop cloud applications with SAP Cloud Platform.

Spring Cloud Connector for SAP Cloud Platform

This project provides Cloud Connectors for SAP Cloud Platform to be used in conjunction with the other connectors of the Spring Cloud project. More specifically, it adds SAP Cloud Platfom as an alternative runtime environment supported by Spring Cloud.

For more information regarding Cloud Connectors please refer to the respective documentation:

The project contains three submodules:

Getting Started

The connectors are written for Maven; simply include the appropriate dependencies for your build system.

Including cloud connectors

Include the connector for each cloud platform you want to be discoverable. Including multiple connectors is perfectly fine; each connector will determine whether it should be active in a particular environment.

<!-- to use Spring Cloud for development -->

<!-- If you intend to deploy your app to a Cloud Foundry environment within SAP HCP-->

<!-- If you intend to deploy the app to SAP HANA Cloud Platform-->

Spring applications

Add the spring-service-connector in addition to your cloud connectors:


Sample application

A simple sample application is provided here: