SAP-samples / artifact-of-the-month

A SAPUI5 application that ranks the popularity of SAP packages and repositories from multiple platforms. The usage data is pulled periodically from these platforms by GitHub Actions. The web app itself is hosted via GitHub Pages.
Apache License 2.0
9 stars 9 forks source link
github-actions open-source openui5 sample sapui5

Artifact of the Month

Build Status REUSE status


Over the past few years, there has been a clear trend that SAP embraces open-source technologies more and more. This means that SAP leverages open-source technologies like Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes in its offerings and that SAP technologies become embeddable on open-source platforms. This development brings a need for a growing number of utility packages that support developers, such as database clients, authentication libraries, scaffoldings tools, and many more. All these packages make the life of developers easier but staying ahead of the curve and being aware of all available packages can also be an additional burden. Therefore, we want to introduce you to a new open-source project that ranks the popularity of all kinds of development artifacts monthly:

The Artifact of the Month.

screenshot of the ranking

Click the screenshot above to jump directly to the running web app to see the sample live. In case you are curious about the code itself, continue reading here.


Make sure to have Node.js LTS version 14 (or higher) installed

Download and Installation

If you are interested, you could also run the application locally. For this, you need to clone the repo and install its dependencies.

git clone
cd artifact-of-the-month
npm install

Some usage data can be downloaded anonymously, while others can only be consumed with an API key. The GitHub API and Google BigQuery table are examples of the later ones. Once you have provisioned the keys for these providers, create a analyzer/.env file with the following content:


Be aware that the usage of the BigQuery API is not for free and will results in some costs in your GCP account. If you just want to test locally and don't neet the PyPI data, remove the PyPI export line

And make sure that the service key is stored in the referenced file. Now, you can run the following commands to fetch the latest data, calculate the ranking, and start the development server locally:

npm run fetch
npm run analyze
npm start

Known Issues

None so far.

How to obtain support

Create an issue in this repository if you find a bug or have questions about the content.


Do you know of an SAP-related development artifact that isn't listed here but should be? Then feel free to open a PR to add this package, image or whatever to our crawler.


Copyright (c) 2021 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. This project is licensed under the Apache Software License, version 2.0 except as noted otherwise in the LICENSE file.