SAP-samples / cloud-sdk-ios-specs

Dependency Manager specs repository for SAP BTP SDK for iOS.
Apache License 2.0
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carthage cocoapods ios mobile sample sample-code sap-btp-sdk-for-ios sdk-for-ios swift

IMPORTANT: Due to a repository migration 7/2022, your netrc machine should be updated to You will likely experience authentication failure without making this change.

The SAP iOS SDK Specs Repo

REUSE status

This repository contains the CocoaPods specifications for frameworks in the SAP Business Technology Platform SDK for iOS. Frameworks downloaded here are identical to those available through SAP Service Marketplace, and on the SAP Developer Site.

If you want to consume the binary frameworks through Apple's Swift Package Manager (SPM) then visit


  1. Ruby
  2. Cocoapods dependency manager
  3. Technical user & password, for
  4. Apple Xcode IDE
  5. For SDK version >=5 on Mac Catalyst, script from SAP BTP SDK for iOS Assistant

Download and Installation

Installing Ruby

Ruby versions 2.0 and above are included by default in macOS releases since at least El Capitan (10.11). Additional installation techniques are documented here.

Homebrew is a commonly used package manager on macOS. Installing Ruby using Homebrew is easy:

brew install ruby

Installing Cocoapods

Cocoapods is a dependency manager for Swift and Objective-C Cocoa projects.

Documentation is available at Installation is a Ruby gem install command; updates are done with gem as well.

$ sudo gem install cocoapods

Installing Apple Xcode IDE

Xcode may be installed via the Mac App Store, or, specific versions may be downloaded at

The current version of Xcode which is supported by the latest SAP binaries is Xcode 11.


Obtaining Technical user & password

The SDK binaries are hosted in SAP's Internet-facing repository, which requires authenticated access. Before running pod update, you must visit the Technical Users' UI Home Page to obtain a technical username/password.

SAP Customers & Partners: use your S-User credentials

SAP Employees: use your SAP email username & GLOBAL credentials

Installing credential

Open, or create a new file at ~/.netrc.

Add an entry which includes the username password credential pair, as follows:

    login sap-xxxxxx 
    password xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The machine name was updated 7/2022 to Existing netrc entries should be updated accordingly. The existing technical user credentials should remain valid. If not, please re-generate and update in the netrc file.

The netrc credential technique is a stand cURL API. For complete documentation, see


Supported SAP Binary Dependencies (pods)

Specs for the following pods are registered in the repository source:

platform :ios, '14.0' use_frameworks!

target 'MyApp' do pod 'SAPCommon', '~> 6.0' pod 'SAPFoundation', '~> 6.0' pod 'SAPFiori', '~> 6.0' pod 'SAPFioriFlows', '~> 6.0' pod 'SAPOfflineOData', '~> 6.0' pod 'SAPML', '~> 6.0' end

## Podfile

The dependency manifest file for a Cocoapods-managed project is a [**Podfile**](  

The Podfile is a specification that describes the dependencies of the targets of one or more Xcode projects. The file should simply be named `Podfile`, and should be stored in the same directory as the associated `xcodeproj` file(s).

### General Dependencies

Each dependency supported by Cocoapods is called a **Pod**.  To add a pod as a dependency of a Target, write the entry into the `Podfile`.

platform :ios, '11.0'

target 'MyApp' do
  pod 'SwiftConfettiView'

Specifying Dependency Versions

Each Pod should support semantic versioning, such that developers may specify a particular version of a dependency, a minimum, maximum, or range. For pods whose source is available, the version may also be a particular git branch or commit.

SAP framework dependencies are distributed as binaries, and thus support only major, minor, patch versioning. For the SAP BTP SDK for iOS, these equate to: major = major version, minor = service pack ("SP"), patch = patch level ("PL"). 3.0 SP01 PL03 == 3.1.3

Specifying Dependency Source

Cocoapods maintains a central repository of 'specifications' for each pod (a podspec) which is publicly published. When parsing the Podfile, cocoapods checks the central repository by default, for specs associated with each pod listed for the Target.

Since SAP's binaries require authentication for access, their specifications cannot be published to the central repository. Therefore, this github repo serves as a secondary spec repository source.

To add pods from the SAP spec repository to your Podfile, you should list this source, either in the header of the Podfile, or in-line with the associated pod(s).

If you are adding the /SAP-samples/cloud-sdk-ios-specs source to the Podfile header, cocoapods will not be able to locate pods documented in the central repository, unless you also explicitly add the central repository as a source.

source ''
source ''

Alternatively, list the source in-line:

target 'MyApp' do
    pod 'SAPCommon', '~> 5.0', :source => ''
    pod 'SwiftConfettiView'

Installing and Updating Dependencies

Cocoapods provides the install and update commands for importing dependencies. Either will pull new dependencies; install does not check the spec repository for new versions, while update checks the remote spec repositories for new podspec files, before downloading dependencies.

For additional details on using cocoapods, see the guides.

Installing Codesigning Script for Catalyst

Version 5.0.x of the SDK introduces the .xcframework artifact type, replacing .framework. There is no effect in switching from framework to xcframework on iOS platform, but Mac Catalyst introduces a new Hardened Runtime feature, which requires binaries to be commonly signed. A python script is available in the SAP BTP SDK for iOS to facilitate this signing. The simplest configuration is to mkdir scripts in the root of your project directory, and export the script there.

To install it to an application configured with Cocoapods, add a Run Script Build Phase to your target, after the [CP] Prepare Artifacts phase.

For more info, see blog.


This service is not available for Trial versions of the SDK.

Quoting the SAP support site, “you can download the SAP products that are associated with your S-user ID. While every visitor can browse the list of software products without any special permissions, downloading files requires the Software Download authorization; to request it, contact a user administrator in your company.” This restriction also applies to the cloud shipment channel.


Error: None of your spec sources contain a spec satisfying the dependency: SAPCommon (~> x.0).

Root Cause:


Known Issues


How to obtain support

For an issue related to the contents of this repository, please file an Issue.

For issues related to any of the referenced resources and binaries, please file a support ticket to SAP through the regular channels.


If you wish to make a contribution to the repository, please submit a Pull Request. It will be reviewed by the maintainers, however, we cannot commit to merging all contributions.

To-Do (upcoming changes)

Support for Carthage binary distribution


Copyright (c) 2009-2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. This project is licensed under the Apache Software License, version 2.0 except as noted otherwise in the LICENSE file.