SAP / odfuzz

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Odata service fuzzer - odfuzz

The fuzzer for testing applications communicating via the OData protocol.

Odfuzz randomly selects entities that are queryable, thus, the entities which can be used in query options $filter, $orderby, $skip, and $top. For each entity, there is generated a set of query options, and final result is dispatched to OData service. Responses from the OData service are stored in a database and used for the further analysis and generation. Odfuzz creates valid requests that contain random data at specific places. Learn more at Excel@Fit 2018.

Example of generated queries:

ValueHelpPrinters?$filter=Location eq '~' and Location eq '>'&sap-client=500&$format=json
C_PaymentAdviceSubItem?$orderby=Reference1IDByBusinessPartner asc&$filter=IsActiveEntity eq false or (PaytAdviceAccountTypeForEdit ge '' or ((substringof(PaymentDifferenceReasonName, '¾JÓaÉ—bÈ¢æû´Ò>«') eq true and PaymentAdviceItem ne 'Û') and substringof(PaymentDifferenceReasonName, 'Ū•õõÿOaÞ¯@Vþ') eq true or Currency ne '9') and PaytAdviceAccountTypeForEdit lt '' and PaymentAdviceSubItemForEdit lt '8') or GrossDeductionAmountInPaytCrcy ne 948074290.8m and endswith(PaytDifferenceReasonExtCode, '‰') eq false and PaymentAdviceAccountType lt ''&$skip=1957273783&sap-client=500&$format=json
C_PaymentAdvice?$top=869&$filter=IsActiveEntity eq false or CashDiscountAmountInPaytCrcy eq 1919771231157915484160m&sap-client=500&$format=json
SupportedChannelSet(Event='Øt',VariantId='V',CorrespondenceTypeId='M.õ')?$filter=CorrespondenceTypeId ge '¨·æ' and (CorrespondenceTypeId gt 'õZ' or CorrespondenceTypeId lt '§Å') or CorrespondenceTypeId ge 'Æ'&sap-client=500&$format=json
CorrespondenceTypeSet(Event='SV',VariantId='',Id='×´Õ•')/SupportedChannelSet?$filter=(CorrespondenceTypeId eq '' and CorrespondenceTypeId ne 'ÿNœä' and CorrespondenceTypeId eq '£' or CorrespondenceTypeId ge 'Ï؏à†' and CorrespondenceTypeId eq '¥C') and CorrespondenceTypeId ne 'À'&sap-client=500&$format=json
C_Cpbupaemailvh?$top=81&$filter=ContactPerson eq 'Ý¿â†' and (RelationshipCategory ne '' or RelationshipCategory eq ':7S6]') or ContactPerson lt 'Í' and RelationshipCategory ne '¹Ú•°¼m' or startswith(BusinessPartner, 'ù£f¨') eq false or ContactPerson le 'di©h¶'&$skip=245&sap-client=500&$format=json


For running the tool:


  1. Clone this repository:
    $ git clone && cd odfuzz
  2. Install the fuzzer:

    1. Docker

      1. Execute the following command to build a docker image:
        $ sudo docker build -t odfuzz:1.0 .
      2. Run the container:
        $ sudo docker run --dns= -ti odfuzz:1.0
    2. Manual

      1. Download and install the mongoDB server on your local machine.
      2. Create an executable script:
        $ python3 install

Run configuration

To access OData services introduced in SAP, it is required to set the following environment variables in your system. The fuzzer will use these variables for a basic authentication.

export ODFUZZ_USERNAME=Username
export ODFUZZ_PASSWORD=Password

Additional configuration can be set up using the following environment variables:

SAP client ID. The option is required only for testing OData services within the SAP network. Useful for example on some environments, which does not have client as part of server hostname.


Data format of requested data. Valid values are 'json' and 'xml'.


A number of initial URLs which will be generated per single property per Queryable group defined in the metadata document. Currently are 4 Queryable groups (the total count can be further subtracted by employing restrictions to the property ( documentation - query-groups,documentation - restrictions ).


Number of asynchronous requests which will be sent to a server via dispatcher at the same time.


File path where the HTTPS certificate is stored if the service is requiring it.


The use of an encoder and decoder for strings generated by the mutators and generators. The encoder is used for encoding strings which may contain special characters. The decoder is then used for decoding the string back to its original representation.


It is possible to disable this behavior by setting the environment variable ODFUZZ_USE_ENCODER to False. Note that only properties of the types Edm.String and Edm.Double shall be affected. Same applies to the query option search which may contain special UTF-8 characters too.

If necessary, it is possible to specify the username and the password via command line arguments. Take a look at the optional arguments:

$ odfuzz --help
usage: ODfuzz [-l LOGS] [-s STATS] [-r RESTRICTIONS] [-t TIMEOUT] [-a] [-f]
              [-c USERNAME:PASSWORD]

Fuzzer for testing applications communicating via the OData protocol

positional arguments:
  service               An OData service URL

optional arguments:
  -l LOGS, --logs LOGS  A logs directory
  -s STATS, --stats STATS
                        A statistics directory
                        A user defined restrictions
  -t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
                        A general timeout in seconds for a fuzzing
  -a, --asynchronous    Allow ODfuzz to send HTTP requests asynchronously
  -f, --first-touch     Automatically determine which entities are queryable
                        User name and password used for authentication


Odfuzz runs in an infinite loop. You may cancel an execution of the fuzzer with a keyboard interruption (CTRL + C).


Output of the fuzzer is stored in the directories set by a user (e.g. logs_directory, stats_directory) or in a current working directory. Odfuzz is creating stats about performed experiments and tests:

Console output

Brief information about the runtime is also printed to a console. Find below an example of such an output.

Collection: FI_CORRESPONDENCE_SRV-56482b5e-b76d-46eb-9f48-e13d1fe8eea2
Initializing queryable entities...
Connecting to the database...
Generated tests: 1300 | Failed tests: 27 | Raised exceptions: 0

Collection represents a name of a collection associated with mongoDB. Raised exceptions describes a number of raised exceptions within the runtime, for example, connection errors.

Docker volumes

The output of odfuzz is written into a running instance of docker image by default. If you want to view the output on the host system, you are required to use the additional -v option and run the docker image as follows:

$ sudo docker run -v /host/absolute/path:/image/absolute/path -ti odfuzz:1.0

Taking this into account, you have to set the fuzzer's output directories to /image/absolute/path as well. For more, visit


  1. Run the fuzzer, for example, as:
    $ odfuzz <SERVICE_URL> -l logs_directory -s stats_directory -r restrictions/basic.yaml -a -f -p

The option -a enables the fuzzer to send concurrently multiple requests. The default number of the asynchronous requests can be changed. To do so, use the environment variable ODFUZZ_ASYNC_REQUESTS_NUM. Notice that some services do not support handling of more than 10 asynchronous requests at the same time.

  1. Let it run for a couple of hours (or minutes). Cancel an execution of the fuzzer with CTRL + C.
  2. Browse overall stats, for example, by the following scenario:
    • You want to discover what type of queries triggers undefined behaviour. Open the stats_overall.csv file via Pivot. Select entities you want to examine, select an HTTP status code you want to consider (e.g. 500), select names of Properties, etc. You may notice that the filter query option caused a lot of errors. Open the stats_filter.csv file again via Pivot to discover what logical operators or operands caused an internal server error.
    • The item hash, stored in the pivot table, contains a unique value which is mapped to the particular URL in the file urls_list.txt. Therefore, it is possible to browse created URLs more efficiently.
    • Queries which produced errors are saved to multiple files (names of the files start with prefix EntitySet_). These queries are considered to be the best by the genetic algorithm eventually. Try to reproduce the errors by sending the same queries to the server in order to ensure yourself that this is a real bug.
    • Open SAP Logon and browse the errors via transactions sm21, st22 or /n/IWFND/ERROR_LOG. Find potential threats and report them.

NOTE: odfuzz uses a custom header user-agent=odfuzz/1.0 in all HTTP requests. You may be able to filter the internet traffic based on this header.


Odata protocol references

Standard ODATA specification:

SAP-only additional odata annotations see:


Before contributing, please, make yourself familiar with git. You can try git online. Things would be easier for all of us if you do your changes on a branch. Use a single commit for every logical reviewable change, without unrelated modifications (that will help us if need to revert a particular commit). Please avoid adding commits fixing your previous commits, do amend or rebase instead.

Every commit must have either comprehensive commit message saying what is being changed and why or a link (an issue number on Github) to a bug report where this information is available. It is also useful to include notes about negative decisions - i.e. why you decided to not do particular things. Please bare in mind that other developers might not understand what the original problem was.


Copyright (c) 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. This file is licensed under the Apache Software License, v. 2 except as noted otherwise in the LICENSE file