SBFspot / sbfspot-config

Installation/Configuration tool for SBFspot on Raspberry Pi
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ISSUE installing after firmware upgrade of Raspberry - Debian 11 - Bullseye 64bit #52

Closed geurtsd closed 1 year ago

geurtsd commented 2 years ago


After running a cleanup-install and upgrading the firmware of the Raspberry, the install scritp no longer works.

It seems that with teh new firmware the output of the command

lsb_release -si

no longer gives back "Raspbian", but it defaults to the standard "Debian".

I have tested the install script by modifying this line in your install script, and it installs, yet is not able to run SBFspot afterwards. it gives error:

pi@SolarLogger:/ $ sudo bash script SBFspot Configuration Tool V1.2.1 Running on Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2 Checking whiptail... Installed. architecture=arm64 Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) username=pi userhome=/home/pi Minimum SBFspot version supported by this tool is 3.5.0 Request to install latest version (3.9.3) Searching for existing configuration(s)... Reading settings from /usr/local/bin/sbfspot.3/SBFspot.cfg Saving defaults to /var/tmp/sbfspot.3/sbfspot.defaults... Done Performing some checks before installation... Done Downloading Copying files... SBFspot.db exists Checking database... Schema Version=1 Saving existing SBFspot.cfg... Done Configuring SBFspot... Done Running SBFspot... script: line 1322: /usr/local/bin/sbfspot.3/SBFspot: No such file or directory

Installation aborted

However the listed install directory is present and there is the binary file "SBFspot".... (it shows up with "ls")

pi@SolarLogger:/usr/local/bin/sbfspot.3 $ ls date_time_zonespec.csv monthdata SBFspot.cfg SBFspot.cfg.20220311_141416 TagListEN-US.txt TagListFR-FR.txt TagListNL-NL.txt daydata SBFspot SBFspot.cfg.20220311_134058 TagListDE-DE.txt TagListES-ES.txt TagListIT-IT.txt pi@SolarLogger:/usr/local/bin/sbfspot.3 $

Manually running the file gives error:

pi@SolarLogger:/usr/local/bin/sbfspot.3 $ SBFspot -v -bash: SBFspot: command not found

any ideas? compatability issue?

geurtsd commented 2 years ago

Could it be a 32 - 64 bit issue?

pi@SolarLogger:/usr/local/bin/sbfspot.3 $ file SBFspot SBFspot: ELF **32-bit LSB executable**, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=21867e6f7f0f61390e4450e10890f284a175b878, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, stripped

sbf- commented 2 years ago

Could it be a 32 - 64 bit issue?

Sure it is... pre-compiled binaries are 32-bit You'll have to follow the wiki to compile it for now

geurtsd commented 2 years ago

yea, uncovered it myself also via

objdump -x SBFspot

several 32-bit NEEDED libraries.....

so this confirms my feeling that it are 2 problems in 1 ticket: it answers the 32/64 bit issue, but the script item remains....

I'll do a reinstall of 32Bit Raspberry and will confirm after this .....

sbf- commented 2 years ago

Manually running the file gives error:

pi@SolarLogger:/usr/local/bin/sbfspot.3 $ SBFspot -v -bash: SBFspot: command not found

you should run it like this: ./SBFspot -v

geurtsd commented 2 years ago

Manually running the file gives error:

pi@SolarLogger:/usr/local/bin/sbfspot.3 $ SBFspot -v -bash: SBFspot: command not found

you should run it like this: ./SBFspot -v

I know, tried it also, same result...... (to lazy to adjust / change the command for post ;-))

geurtsd commented 2 years ago


Did full reinstall of RPi on bullseye 32bit.

This did the trick and resolved everything..... also the install script error. Some strange and confusing decision that they (RPi) update the system's release only for 32bit and not for 64bit on their Pi OS. (maybe because they switched over from Raspbian to PI OS in their branding?)

Anyhow, Ticket can be closed. Maybe a point of improvement (yet not urgent): include a block to check for the architecture of the installed OS with one of following commands:

uname -m

to generate an error that 64bit is not supported with the script. It does not solve the issue (= PICNIK problem) but gives a clearer hint why....

thanks for the fast support and sorry for the trouble... ;-)

PS: for those who do not know what a PICNIK is: Problem In Chair, Not In Keyboard (so USER problem ;-))

sbf- commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the feedback. I'm already using dpkg --print-architecture which returns armhf or arm64 but I'm not using it ATM

sbf- commented 1 year ago

Fixed in V1.3.0 (ec5f277)