SBFspot / sbfspot-config

Installation/Configuration tool for SBFspot on Raspberry Pi
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sbfspot-config is a semi-automated configuration and installation tool for SBFspot on Raspberry Pi running Raspbian. This tool installs precompiled binaries of SBFspot/SBFspotUploadDaemon, configures SBFspot including crontab and the daemon for PVoutput uploads.
When finished, you should have a complete working system.

Run the tool

To install the latest SBFspot release: (⚠️ Changed since Debian 12/Bookworm - See this issue)
sudo bash -c "$(curl -s"

To install a specific SBFspot release (e.g. 3.5.0):
sudo bash -c "$(curl -s" -s 3.5.0

This tool needs to run as root. Depending on the chosen options, it installs software packages such as sqlite3, mysql-client, mariadb-client and writes to locations where a locked down user can't write. If you're uncomfortable with this, either quit here or have a look at the script first.


sbfspot-config uses whiptail for the dialog boxes. You might be already familiar with it by using raspi-config (Yes, I took a close look at this one) Anyway, to navigate in the menus, these keys are important: [ENTER], [SPACEBAR], [TAB], [ESC] and [UP/DOWN ARROWS]

Configure SBFspot

When you enter the above command, the latest version of sbfspot-config is downloaded and executed as root. Below I explain the bare minimum steps to configure SBFspot:


When an older SBFspot.cfg is found, you can use this one to reconfigure.
Remember: it's always a good idea to take a backup of an existing database (SBFspot.db in case of SQLite)


Main menu


Depending on the connection of your inverter, select "Connection Type => Bluetooth" or "Connection Type => Speedwire"



Selecting Bluetooth launches hcitool scan to get the list of SMA devices. This takes some time to complete.



Enter 1 or more fixed IP addresses.


Select a database you want to use. If you don't have already MySQL or MariaDB server running, SQLite is your best option. This howto doesn't cover MySQL/MariaDB server setup. There are two SQL scripts to create the SBFspot database and the SBFspot user. If you don't need a database, you can select NoSQL.



This section requires a PVoutput account and an enabled API key.



Advanced Options

Feel free to explore the advanced options for bluetooth, csv output, ...


Install SBFspot

When everything is configured, select [INSTALL] at the main window. Some preflight checks are done and if no issues are found the installation starts.


All done

If everything is OK, you should see the final "Installation Complete" message
