SCCapstone / EZBag

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Project Description

Scan-and-go is a form of self-checkout which has recently been growing in popularity with big-box stores. However, custom software is expensive and smaller retailers do not have the budget to develop their own custom scan-and-go solution. Therefore, EZBag is a free web app that aims to allow any brick-and-mortar store to implement scan-and-go. A patron at a participating store can use the EZBag web app on their phone to scan and pay for items without going through the typical checkout process. Click here for an online demo

Initial Setup with Docker:

  1. Install docker (if you are on Windows 10, use WSL2 for docker).
  2. Clone the repository and cd into it
  3. Run docker-compose build
  4. Run docker-compose run --rm --name backend backend. You will be prompted for a password, which we will supply.
    • Note: We need to use docker-compose run ... on the first startup for its interactive mode, without which you could not type in the password.
  5. While the backend appears to be fully running, ports are not properly mapped when running with docker-compose run ... . Close the containers with docker-compose down.


Having completed the inital setup with docker, our project can be started with docker-compose up. The frontend will be served in development mode at http://localhost:9000, the backend will be served by tomcat on http://localhost:8080/EZBagWebapp, and our mongodb database will be available on port 27017 of localhost. Cypress will run behavioral tests once http://localhost:9000 becomes available, and it will exit after either the tests finish or if a test fails. When you are finished with the project, these three services should be closed with docker-compose down.

Rebuild and Redeploy the Backend:

If not already deployed, docker-compose up will build the backend with maven and deploy it with tomcat. If you need to rebuild the backend (say, if you change the source code):

  1. Run docker-compose up in this repository
  2. In another terminal, run docker exec -it backend bash to access the backend container.
  3. In the backend container and at /backend run ./ The backend will be rebuilt and automatically deployed to /usr/local/tomcat/webapps. However, through the magic of docker volumes, it will also be available on your local machine at this_repository/docker_persist/tomcat/.

Build the Frontend

The frontend is automatically served at http://localhost:9000 in development mode when you use docker-compose up. However, if you need to build the frontend for production, you can:

  1. If the project is not already running in docker, run docker-compose up.
  2. Access the running frontend container in another terminal with docker exec -it backend bash
  3. In the frontend container and at /frontend, run npm run build The frontend will be built and placed at /frontend/dist. However, through the magic of docker volumes, it will also be available on your local machine at this_repository/Frontend/dist.


Backend Unit Testing:

Using the Jersey Test Framework, unit tests can be ran in the IDE (IntelliJ). The Jersey Test Framework creates a fast and easy way to quickly test Jersey code. The Test Framework can emulate GET, and POST requests, and verify that the values being returned are correct. Can also be used to test any backend methods without deploying the server via TomCat.

Tests location: EZBagWebapp/src/main/java/test

Running the tests in the Jersey Test Framework:

  1. Open the EZBagWebapp/src/main/java/test package
  2. Right click on the test you want to run and click "run test"
  3. To run the multiple tests in the test package you can simply right click on the containing package and click "run all tests".

Frontend Behavioral Testing:

We use Cypress for end-to-end behavioral testing. Tests are located in /e2e/cypress/integration/, with a folder structure similar to the what is described here.

Tests are automatically run in the background with docker-compose up. Screenshots and videos of failed tests will be placed in e2e/cypress/.

Run tests interactively (GUI):

  1. You'll need to setup an xserver on your host machine (google it, you're on your own for this one).
  2. Get the IP address of your host machine and allow X11 to accept incoming connections from that IP address (if you are using VcXsrv, you can disable access control to allow all incoming connections).
  3. Set the environment variable DISPLAY using export DISPLAY=$(cat /etc/resolv.conf | grep nameserver | awk '{print $2; exit;}'):0.0
    • I added this to my .bashrc
    • If you have trouble with this command, try IP=$(ipconfig getifaddr en0) then DISPLAY=$IP:0
  4. Having completed the preceding steps, you can start interactive tests at any time using docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f e2e/cy-open.yml up --exit-code-from cypress.
    • You can even run this after docker-compose up. There is NO need to docker-compose down - it would just take longer to get running.

User Flow

Merchant Flow

Customer Flow
