Facial recognition application, that when paired with QR codes and a react native application, can be used to keep track of the attendance of students. The application will use the picture on their student id card and compare it to a picture taken at the time of scanning the QR code. This is used to identify if the person scanning the QR code is the expected student. The QR code will be scanned twice, once at the beginning of class, and once at the student’s departure. This will ensure correct timetables of the student’s attendance. This can be applied to universities, as well as other education facilities. Expansion areas include using the application for payment at the school store, allowing professors or faculty to create a reward system for attending class.
For all Android tests, an Emulator must be running alongside the application
Install Cavy cli
npm i -g cavy-cli
To run test on android, use
cavy run-android
To run test on ios, use
cavy run-ios
Install Jest cli
npm i -g jest-cli
Run jest tests
npm test
Keywords: Face recognition, AI, QR codes, React Native, mobile application